identical particles

美 [aɪˈdentɪkl ˈpɑrtəkəlz]英 [aɪˈdentɪkl ˈpɑːtɪklz]
  • 网络全同粒子;相同粒子
identical particlesidentical particles
  1. The Quantum Effect Analysis of Identical Particles Scattering


  2. Recently , the entanglement in identical particles becomes a popular focus .


  3. The extension to systems of more than two identical particles is quite straightforward .


  4. Schrodinger Equation of Identical Particles in Occupation Number Representation


  5. In high energy collisions experiment , people study particles-emitting source by measuring the identical particles correlations .


  6. Indistinguishability of identical particles That is the fact beyond controversy .


  7. The identical particles are the particles with inherent identical character in mass , electric charge , spin , etc.


  8. When they are closer together , they begin to display properties associated with large ensembles of identical particles .


  9. When we 're talking about configurations , we 're not talking about placing the identical particles in different spots .


  10. Such an approach makes it possible to apply the Treiman-Yang criterion also to processes in which there are identical particles in the final state .


  11. The main contents are the character of identical particles of quantum human body , and the wave function Pauli principle of identical particles system of quantum human body .


  12. The over counting only happens when you 're placing identical particles in a lattice , and you can swap them without making a difference .


  13. In many high-energy nuclear collisions experiment , people measure the connection of two identical particles intensity correlation in the space of energy and momentum to get the information of source .


  14. Indistinguishability of identical particles


  15. We find that all the energy levels are non-degenerate and the original first excited state or energy level disappears because of the operation of symmetry or antisymmetry of identical particles .


  16. Two particle intensity interferometry is a technique which may obtain the space-time structure of the particle emitting source and other dynamical information from Bose-Einstein or Femi-Dirac correlation of the identical particles .


  17. It was shown that the identical particles could form coherent states in which the photon emission probability of the superradiant state is a liner function of N2 and N2 ( N is the particle number ) .


  18. Interaction and model of any shape particles in colloid dispersion system ⅰ . identical spherical particles


  19. Rapid fabrication of crystalline films with double layers and dual members by spin-coating method Functional theory of determining the force and free energy of EDL interaction between two identical spherical colloidal particles
