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美 [ˈiːboʊ]英 [ˈiːbəʊ]
  • 网络国际文凭组织;伊博人;伊博
  1. Language : English is the official language , Hausa , Yoruba and Ibo are the main native languages .


  2. Language : the official language is spanish , and French is the second official language . fang , bubi , ibo , and Pidgin English are also widely spoken .


  3. That makes him the heir to the IBO nation .


  4. The IBO offers to a wide range of schools , in a variety of settings , three programmes .


  5. Our results show that the optical and electrical properties of IVO and IBO samples are comparable to that of commercial ITO .


  6. Conclusion : Hippocampal SS neurons decline obviously in AD model induced by D-galactose and lesion of basal Meynert nucleus with IBO .


  7. The current IBF and IBO heavyweight champion is a big hit in both his native Ukraine and his adopted home of Germany .


  8. Conclusion Endotoxin and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats may be the result of IBO and higher permeability . IBO may be the result of longer transit .


  9. At the moment , the curriculum studies based on the elementary education for the overseas students are mostly focused on the discussion of the International Baccalaureate Organization ( IBO ) curriculum .


  10. Compared with the placebo group , cisapride-treated rats had lower rates of bacterial and endotoxin translocation and IBO , which had close relationship with shorter intestinal transit and lower permeability .


  11. It is designed to be a rigorous comprehensive curriculum and examination system with six subject areas and three core components available in one of the three official languages of the IBO , English , French or Spanish .


  12. METHODS : A mixture of β amyloid ( A β) and ibotenic acid ( IBO ) was injected directly into right basal brain ganglia of SD rats to build the simulant dementia model .


  13. A β 1 - 42 + IBO rats with damaged hippocampus of rat models to establish AD , AD is more close to the simulation of the clinical manifestations and basic pathology , is a reliable animal model . 2 .


  14. Conclusion : Ruining bilateral nbM of rats by IBO can set up ideal AD animal model . Nimodipine could significantly improve the learning and remembering abilities and reduce the contents of NO and NOS in hippocampus and cerebral cortex of AD model rats .


  15. In fact , we especially developed for international and mainland Europe and the United States share similar cultural background of Hong Kong and Taiwan studies of the chemistry curriculum more . However , the International Baccalaureate Organization ( IBO ) has not given us a real study .
