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  • 网络伊比萨;伊维萨岛;伊比沙岛;伊维萨
  1. Majorca and Ibiza are tops for holiday bargain-hunters in June


  2. Set in the typical architecture of Ibiza , Bossa Park Hotel Ibiza Island is an ideal place to experience all the pleasures and to indulge in numerous activities .


  3. Do you think we can have the conference in Ibiza next year ?


  4. So , you want to go to Ibiza then ?


  5. Look at every panel join on this Ibiza and there 's a continuous line of weld along each one .


  6. Monte Carlo , Cannes , Ibiza , Rio ... This guy likes to have a good time .


  7. This year he will quality control First Choice 's new splash resorts in Greece , Turkey , Florida , Jamaica and Ibiza .


  8. There were also falls in Ibiza and in prime US locations such as Palm Beach , Florida , and San Diego , California .


  9. It 's the interior of the Ibiza which really brings home just how different these cars are , All the standard interior and trim is junked .


  10. It 's wise not to flirt with the new temp in their presence , or start reminiscing about what a great time you had in Ibiza together last year .


  11. Like that time you snagged the one Euro flight to Finland in an online promo . Or when you bought a last-minute ticket to the show in Ibiza .


  12. Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber reportedly got feisty with each other at Ibiza 's Cipriani nightspot in the early hours of Wednesday , July 30 .


  13. On a warm July morning , in the sapphire-colored waters west of the Spanish island of Ibiza , six purse-seine boats from three competing companies searched for giant bluefin tuna .


  14. The Prime Minister admitted he is ' greedier ' than toned wife Samantha , who was pictured at the weekend wearing a bikini on holiday in Ibiza .


  15. The Concierge femmes might help'buy , renovate and decorate a home in the Scottish Highlands or cook brunch for20 in Ibiza when the private chef shows up drunk , 'the article says .


  16. Closure of the airports of Madrid , Mallorca , Minorca and Ibiza , the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia , as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace .


  17. Having travelled to Ibiza for a Balearic break , the 31-year-old singer was spotted clambering aboard a luxury yacht dressed in skimpy cut-off denim shorts and a pair of towering black heels .


  18. He then hopes to canoe the Amazon , walking the Great Wall of China and seeing the pyramids in Egypt , enjoy a fortnight of partying with his friends in Ibiza and volunteer with Unicef in Africa for three months .


  19. A few hours after the Ibiza bust-up , troubled heartthrob Bieber appeared to get the final word by posting a picture ( which was quickly deleted ) of Kerr on his Instagram account , captioned only with a crown emoji .
