- abbr.外导体内部直径(Inner Diameter of Outer Conductor)

Double-click the IDoc Extract stage and configure its settings as follows
This IDoc is for transferring basic data of the material , customer , and vendor .
The IDoc content is provided in XML format through the body of HTTP POST request .
C wizard which allows you to select the pre-process option for IDoc
Note that the links leaving the IDoc Extract stage now contain a table icon .
You can access the core business data by predefined interfaces such as IDoc and BAPI .
Pre-built models for both forms of text IDoc are supplied in the toolkit .
The solution must be extensible : New IDoc types may be added in the future and should not have any effect on the existing applications .
For the MRM and IDOC domains , a message dictionary is required at runtime .
You could use the IDoc name or a different field to route the IDoc to another application ( which could be another message flow ) .
The parsing and transformation of the IDoc , which is distributed across a number of components ( one per IDoc ) .
BO is used to represent a single IDoc or IDoc packets to be sent , as shown in Figure 5 .
You can then parse the binary IDoc that has been routed using the IDoc passthrough mode .
Specifically , it shows how to use the IDoc extract stage to access the core business data and the ABAP extract stage to access the supporting configuration data .
Enable offline IDoc data processing so that the IDoc data does not need to be fetched from the SAP system each time the job is executed .
The Message Broker tree would contain only a few control fields , such as the IDoc name and a hexBinary field containing the IDoc .
In fact , most operations are fine-grained even when they are composed services , such as an IDOC or BAPI interactions through SAP .
Conveniently , the default TDS model created by the C importer correctly models the user structure without any manual editing , because IDoc data is all fixed length strings .
It needs to be a generic component that is not sensitive to the exact type of IDoc being received , and it is implemented using the passthrough mode described above .
The data is sent from SAP to the other system via ALE and tRFC layers in the form of an IDoc , with many different types of IDocs being sent .
The new features of the MRM domain mean that the MRM parser TDS format should be used to parse and write text IDocs , instead of the IDOC domain .
On the other side , using the IDoc interface enables you to take advantage of the SAP change pointers that you can configure to send an IDoc whenever a record is changed .
If you wanted to route IDocs to different message flows , then you were left with the problem of parsing the IDoc , as you now had the IDoc on a queue or some other transport in binary form .