- n.超子;重核子

Influence of Hyperon Coupling Constant on the Properties of Hybrid Stars
The Influence of Hyperon Isospin Interaction on the Properties of Neutron Star
The main goal of this dissertation is the experimental and phenomenological study of hyperon spectroscopy .
Statistical Error of Spin Transfer to Hyperon at RHIC Energy
The result shows that decay spin transfer factor strongly depend on moving direction of final-state hyperon .
Giant Neutron - and Hyperon - Halos in Drip - Line Nuclei
Nucleon Structure and Hyperon Polarization in Deep Inelastic Lepton-hadron Scattering
Hyperon rms Radii of _ Λ ~ ( 208 ) Pb and Neutron Star Structure
The lifetime of a hyperon bounded in a hypernucleus is affected by the nuclear environment .
The study of hyperon polarization along the direction opposite to the reaction plane in the resent paper make the effect is much full of practical significance .
Spin Transfer in High-Energy Hadronization Processes and Polarization of Hyperon in the Lepton-Induced Reactions
We investigate the influence of different hyperon couplings from analysis of various experimental data on hypernuclei on the composition and equation of state of cold neutron star .
As hyperon has the strange quantum number , it can go deep into the interior of nuclei , thus it is the right probe to study the nuclear structure .
We show that measuring the polarization of hyperon in the lepton induced reactions is an ideal way to study the spin transfer in high energy hadronization processes .
The result shows that initial-state unpolarized hyperon will be polarized along the direction opposite to the reaction plane through final-state interaction .
We derive decay spin transfer factor depending on moving direction of the final-state hyperon by calculating hyperon decay angular distribution including polarization correlation in mother-particle static frame system .
At present , contributions to hyperon polarization derived from hadron decay have been argued , but in this argument decay polarization transfer factor is assumed as a constant usually .
Halos in hypernuclei , for example , the neutron halo in Ca hypernuclei and the single hyperon halo in 15 3 Λ C , are also investigated .
The influences of Σ hyperon isospin interaction on neutron star structure have been studied in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory with nucleons , hyperons , and mesons .
By analyzing different hyperon decay processes , we derive the general formula for the decay contributions of heavier hyperons to hyperon production rates and final-state hyperon polarizations .
Taking into account the glue-like role of ∧ - hyperon in the hypernucleus , a contraction factor S is introduced into the density matrix of ~ 9Be . The eigenvalues E_ (?)
Contribution to hyperon polarization from interaction between final-state hadron is important , especially in high energy heavy-ion collisions , since the number of hadrons produced is very large , the effect can not be neglected much more .