hurt the economy

美 [hɜːrt ðə ɪˈkɑːnəmi]英 [hɜːt ðə ɪˈkɒnəmi]
  • 损害经济
hurt the economyhurt the economy
  1. The real estate and legal professions sprang into action , arguing that background checks were impractical and would hurt the economy .


  2. How seriously could this hurt the economy at large ?


  3. Higher oil prices hurt the economy because they act like a tax increase .


  4. Do you think that this low-interest-rate environment has helped or hurt the economy ?


  5. During the 1970s , credit expansion was too rapid , and mounting inflation hurt the economy .


  6. Economist Till Schreiber says too big a debt burden can hurt the economy .


  7. If the stimulus continues for too long , it might spark inflation , which could hurt the economy .


  8. Meanwhile , a new study from Pew Research suggests that tech industry influencers are split on whether robots will help or hurt the economy .


  9. Policymakers fear that a decline in science and technology standards and insufficient spending on research could hurt the economy and pose a threat to national security .


  10. But Mr Bernanke warned that looming sequestration , or automatic spending cuts scheduled to take effect on Friday , could hurt the economy .


  11. In the US , a 44 per cent drop in stocks such as the one currently experienced in China would severely hurt the economy , but China is so far taking the blow in its stride .


  12. Steven Tepp is a lawyer with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce . He says piracy of books , music , movies and other forms of intellectual property hurt the economy and threaten jobs .


  13. It would also hurt the broader economy .


  14. Financial strains hurt the real economy , especially in Europe , and reinforce existing strains .


  15. They hurt the US economy ; they also guarantee that the US will undermine further the world trading system .


  16. It would hurt the Russian economy more and I think it would bolster our allies .


  17. But that will diminish companies'ability to take on debt , which could hurt the wider economy .


  18. Therefore , on one side , the laws should not forbid the company cross-ownership . Otherwise , it will hurt the current economy system .


  19. Home foreclosures have put the U.S. housing industry in a state of turmoil , and has hurt the overall economy here and elsewhere .


  20. Leading political parties expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next financial year , claiming it would hurt the recovering economy .


  21. The above-mentioned change buried hidden troubles for the bursting of financial crises , and the bursting of financial crises always hurt the social economy tremendously .


  22. Although home foreclosures hurt the national economy as a whole , they are particularly worrisome to state and local governments , many of which rely on property taxes for revenue .


  23. The rouble is down 13 per cent because of fears over the eurozone crisis and the drop in the oil price to about $ 100 , stoking jitters that a further fall would hurt the Russian economy .


  24. The disappearance of lions from Uganda could hurt the country s economy .


  25. He said a " manufactured crisis " in Washington has hurt the struggling U.S. economy .


  26. Eighteen months of conflict in Syria have hurt the country 's economy . But in the capital , Damascus , a certain level of normalcy exists .


  27. If you let it go down , millions of innocent people are hurt , and the economy suffers at a time when it 's terribly , terribly fragile , he said on ABC 's This Week .


  28. Now , about six weeks remain before their goal of having a framework in place for a deal that would address concerns about possible military applications of the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for easing sanctions that have hurt the country 's economy .


  29. But many air traffic controllers stayed on the job , saying they did not want to hurt tourism in the struggling economy .


  30. Analysts say Office Depot or Office Max , each smaller than rival Staples have been hurt by the weaker US economy .
