
美 [ˈhjuːmənaɪzɪŋ]英 [ˈhjuːmənaɪzɪŋ]
  • v.使更人道;使更适合人
  • humanize的现在分词
  1. Jo Robinson began by humanizing the waiting time at the health centre with tea-making and toys for children .


  2. They all say that certain humanizing animals began to associate certain sounds with certain experiences or behaviors .


  3. He was about humanizing technology in a way that make it extraordinarily easy and was an absolutely joy and pleasure to use .


  4. This " humanizing " seems * presumptuous though ;


  5. He was about humanizing technology


  6. Besides , this article elaborates three directions of Online Publications ' " humanizing trend " development : ( 1 ) suitable temperature : E-book .


  7. At present , human beings are limited in humanizing mainly the surface of the earth , and the humanization scope and extent are very slight compared .


  8. Paying attention to the mental needs of patients is the demand of the changing of medical mode , humanizing service , setting up harmonious hospital and establishing hospital brand .


  9. The cardinal principle is follow the features of human brain neural units , combine the network with discrete experience and special knowledge , form the humanizing knowledge express frame .


  10. It must have been this humanizing skill , and the intellectual growth related to it , that enabled one group of animals to gain an advantage in the race for surgical .


  11. With bamboo for fetishes , symbols of ideal personality phenomenon and ethical things like reasonable , contain rich ethnic culture , idea , thinking and ideal semantic , is " humanizing " nature .


  12. That is , once applying labour as a mediator to " humanizing " nature , humans in the meantime are also " naturalized " during the process of labouring over nature .


  13. By humanizing a man known chiefly for his brilliance , this image is the reason Einstein 's name has become synonymous not only with " genius ", but also with " wacky genius " .


  14. Third , the adoption of the humanizing narrative tone , which are sincere , confessional , and calm , strengthens the emotional tension of the novel and enhances the theme of the novel .


  15. who , such was her sense of duty , even under the humanizing influence of shrimps , delivered a moral address to her ( punctuated with thumps ) on her degenerate nature , while washing her face and hands ;


  16. For every moment when Mrs. Trump seemed to engage with the historical precedent of her job - which largely involves humanizing the president by being the approachable , accessible half of the equation , and participating cheerfully in the spousal exercises of dressing , dining and hospital visiting - there was another in which she seemed to reject it .
