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  • 网络人权观察组织;人权观察;硬红冬小麦;硬红冬麦;冬小麦
  1. Packing of the HRW at the site of production should meet the in-house requirements to safe handling and secure packaging .


  2. Therefore , if the requirements are applied to , the risk of infection , associated with handling HRW , may be considered as minimal .


  3. A linear analysis and pattern recognition method to detect and analyze dynamic cardiogram QRS wave are applied I this paper and an effective method for HRW analysis system is introduced .


  4. While handling HRW in the utility room , gloves must be done , and appropriate gown or plastic apron must be worn .


  5. In case of leakage or otherwise damaged , the HRW must be repacked in a suitable size package without emptying the damaged packing .


  6. Apart from infection sustained by sharps or needle-prick injuries , there are no reports on cases of infection related to handling of HRW within the Danish Health Services .


  7. Investigating the far-field geochemical environment of a deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste ( HRW ) is an important work for evaluating the safety performance of a HRW deep disposal repository .
