host crystal

美 [hoʊst ˈkrɪstl]英 [həʊst ˈkrɪstl]
  • 基质晶体;主晶;主剂
host crystalhost crystal
  1. Exploration on Crystallization Habit of New Laser Host Crystal BaY_2F_8


  2. The use of laser host crystal co_doped with saturable absorber and laser gain medium can lead to the development of monolithic self_ Q _switched solid state lasers .


  3. F_2 ~ + Type-Like Color Center in Alkali Halide Compound Host Laser Crystal


  4. Spectra and crystal parameters of host luminescent crystal na , eu ( moo_4 ) _4 under high pressure


  5. The dependence between lasing properties and host composition and crystal structure of tunable laser crystals are studied in this paper .


  6. The crystal & field strength of ion-host interaction are strongly influenced by the host composition and crystal structure , such as oxide or fluoride , the radius of substitute ion , and exist of other ions .


  7. The important achievements of photochemical reactions of host guest complex , crystal lattice controlling substance , Lewis acid complex , charge transfer complex , micelle and adsorbate on silica gel or molecular seive were involved .
