horizontal competition

美 [ˌhɔːrɪˈzɑːntl ˌkɑːmpəˈtɪʃn]英 [ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn]
  • 同业竞争;水平竞争
horizontal competitionhorizontal competition
  1. Horizontal Competition and M & A Effects of Two Supply Chains


  2. Income , age and horizontal competition are important explanatory variables .


  3. Coordination Strategy Design for Two-level Supply Chain with Retailers ' Horizontal Competition


  4. The financial order has become standard , and the horizontal competition has become furious increasingly .


  5. The old economy theory applies the single-stage model to analyze antitrust , which ignores the interaction between vertical competition and horizontal competition .


  6. Whether the material controller of the company owns the major business entity outside the listed company and their likelihood of horizontal competition and related transaction ;


  7. The main difficulties faced by Postal Savings Bank in the development are smaller capital , facing serious horizontal competition , and short of earning ability .


  8. Confronting increasingly intensive horizontal competition , domestic and foreign banks have turned their attention to personal financial planning , which is one of the new profit growth points .


  9. The influential transnational travel group will enter the Chinese market on a large scale after entering the WTO , the horizontal competition is fiercer , the situation is extremely severe .


  10. According to the agreement with the WTO , the Chinese banking will not be overall opening up to the outside world until 2006 . The domestic bank will face fierce horizontal competition .


  11. In the face of the fierce horizontal competition , the commercial bank has already lost the advantage of interest each other , and the fighting had already turned to non-interest income .


  12. While the driving factors which pressure horizontal competition are the low barriers to entry and exit , the high cost of manufacturing , low concentration ratios , product homogenization and excess capacity . 2 .


  13. But the Branch also faces threats and challenges , such as : strict banking supervision , scarcity of credit scale , intensification of horizontal competition , and lack of endogenous growth momentum .


  14. Secondly , this thesis analyzes the production network , which is combined by the relationship of vertical industry chain and the relationship of horizontal competition and cooperation , and social network which is embedded in industry cluster network .


  15. During the period of corporate restructure , the most important issue is how to deal with the horizontal competition and connected transactions , i.e. avoid horizontal competition and reduce the amounts of connected transactions .


  16. The tendency of financial disintermediation in traditional big enterprise with good quality has been accelerating . Meanwhile the horizontal competition and interest marketization further squeeze the generate profit space of key customers to be stock commercial banks .


  17. The dominate reason for horizontal competition is that the products and services provided by the members at a same tier are substitutable . Enterprises usually take QR strategy , improve service level and implement product different measures to compete at market .


  18. Various measure and positive encouragement should be adopted to lead amateur athletic train to diversified direction development , from single role to various powers , and enhance the horizontal competition , cooperation , and the lengthways connect , finally form multitude and stereoscopic amateur training network .


  19. For the influence of the marketization of interest rates , the credit and operating of Chinese commercial banks are facing the problem of revaluation of the assets . To solve it , we should strengthen the management of the money supply and rationalize the horizontal competition of finance industry .


  20. A Study on the Internal Horizontal Tax Competition


  21. Part VI gives some suggestion to build a good horizontal tax competition environment .


  22. The fourth part states the horizontal tax competition environment in detail from system environment , institutional environment and law enforcement environment .


  23. The realities of information , farmers ' preferences for decisions and horizontal market competition also affected adoption behavior to a certain extent .


  24. Since tax is generally considered as the price of public goods , horizontal tax competition will inevitably affect the support of local public goods .


  25. Cartel or horizontal restrict competition , refers that two or over two market bodies of the competitive relation jointly perform the restrictive competition in the way of collusion .


  26. The third section describes that the central government plays an important role in the increasingly fierce competition of the local government , and it is urgent and necessary to study the horizontal tax competition in the central perspective .


  27. Further analysis finds that the expenditure preferences of governments in different developing stages are quite different . Besides , revenue reduction caused by horizontal tax competition can be compensated by vertical transfer payment from central government on the whole .


  28. Although a lot of research about horizontal restrictive competition behavior has been carried out in China , there is a clear shortage of research about vertical restrictive competition behavior , and the regulation of competition law in this aspect is almost blank .


  29. From the supply chain , the paper whose research object is the same quality product and technology compatibility enterprises analyzes relevant problems that enterprises take horizontal annex to gain competition advantage .


  30. On horizontal yardstick , the relation relies mainly on horizontal competition relation among enterprises , horizontal cooperation is weak , On vertical yardstick , vertical cooperation is comparatively close , but still needs to strengthen .
