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  1. Delaunay Triangulation and , five optimized principle and Hoppe 's triangle mesh reconstruction algorithm are presented .


  2. The Apache Wedding Prayer By Michael Hoppe


  3. Then , Then , we generate a face model which with 863 points . And use developed Hoppe optimization guide line to make the basic face model match to the scanned face model .


  4. Compared with the algorithm proposed by Hoppe which is based on energy optimization , and those algorithms that only supports geometry attribute , this algorithm is characterised by high generation rate , high quality and the ability of processing progressive mesh with multi-attributes .


  5. Finally , there is a full discussion of concept and features of Hoppe method based on subdivision for pavement model reconstruction and an explanation of key parts about how to program reconstruction module combining OpenGL with MFC . Meanwhile , the related coding sections are also presented for demonstration .
