- 霍尔;【人名】霍利;【地名】【刚果共和国】奥勒

Ron Holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house .
Ron Holle is a lightning expert with Global Atmospherics , a company that runs a worldwide lightning detection network .
The girl took care of everything to Frau Holle 's satisfaction and always shook her featherbed vigorously until the feathers flew about like snowflakes .
Frau Holle led her too to the gate . She stood beneath it , but instead of gold , a large kettle full of pitch spilled over her .
On the first day she forced herself , was industrious , and obeyed Frau Holle , when she said something to her , because she was thinking about all the gold that she would give her .
Frau Holle said , " I am pleased that you long for your home again , and because you have served me so faithfully , I will take you back myself . " With that she took her by the hand and led her to a large gate .