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  • 网络浸会大学;香港浸会大学
  1. This year 's competition was jointly organised by the taekwondo clubs of HKBU , City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology .


  2. HKBU opened today ( 29 September ) its Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning to promote and develop programmes to advance the University 's distinctive mission of whole person education .


  3. The PR education of HKBU emphasizes theory and practice .


  4. Four years ago Yan Xun was offered a scholarship to study at HKBU .


  5. This is the first time HKBU offers credit-bearing summer courses for secondary students .


  6. The University encourages students to live in the halls in the first year of study in hkbu .


  7. HKBU is the only local university that offers undergraduate and postgraduate studies in film and TV .


  8. HKBU will continue to work closely with the UGC to facilitate the University 's long-term development .


  9. He also looked forward to collaborate with HKBU in other areas such as Chinese medicine , scientific research and educational exchange for mutual benefit .


  10. The course will be taught by staff from HKBU 's Department of Mathematics and the University of Kent 's Business School .


  11. Professor Ng said the affiliated school , being part of the University , would receive strong support from HKBU 's Department of Education Studies .


  12. It was only made possible with the strong support of the mentors : established journalists , many of whom are HKBU alumni .


  13. Ade , my life at HKBU !


  14. All six HKBU delegates played a full role and made their voices heard in the committee sessions during the five-day conference .


  15. He also said how happy he was to see HKBU grow over the decades from a small college into what it has become now , a well-developed university .


  16. The audience was moved , not only by the performances but also by alumni recalling their fond memories of their good times at HKBU .


  17. The summer camp participants expressed that they found HKBU students friendly and helpful , and that they have built up a sense of belonging towards the School .


  18. I am reassured that HKBU 's distinctive whole-person education and its reputation for academic excellence will help March develop his talents in a complete way .


  19. HKBU also hope to have an even closer contact with the Hong Kong and the mainland PR associations so as to assist the students to learn more professional operation .


  20. This year , the Placement Centre has arranged for45 HKBU students and34 students from four other local tertiary institutions to go to Australia for their internships .


  21. He also gave a brief introduction to HKBU 's academic programmes , its " whole-person education " ethos , and curriculum reform in preparation for the four-year university system .


  22. Activities include the " Lion City Exploration " and the " Employers'Luncheon " for HKBU students and an " Inter-Universities Bilingual Speech Contest " in March .


  23. Therefore , HKBU has invited professionals to give lessons to undergraduate and graduate except that it invites senior supervisor from many famous companies to share PR experience with the students .


  24. A ceremony was held today to mark the expansion of HKBU 's Au Shue Hung Memorial Library and the opening of a19-metre high Artgallery .


  25. I wish to thank my supervisor , Professor Ringo Ma , and other professors in the School of Communication for their continual guidance and support during my two years at HKBU .


  26. HKBU has received a donation of HK $ 5 million from the Lee Shau Kee Foundation in support of the University 's development including the territory 's first Academy of Visual Arts .


  27. Between May and August , 212 HKBU students participating in the Metropolitan Attachment Programme ( MAP ) are setting out for seven-week internships in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia ;


  28. Professor Li Yu , a distinguished novelist and specialist in classical art history , is this year 's Writer-in-Residence in the HKBU International Writers Workshop ( IWW ) programme .


  29. The innovative ideas created by a group of HKBU students and alumni for promoting a " home spa " have won them the second runner-up prize in the recent joint university marketing communications award competition .


  30. Meanwhile , a troupe from the HKBU Alumni Association of Southern California ( HKBUAASC ) travelled to Hong Kong from Los Angeles and conducted a Cantonese opera performance for their alma mater .
