historical idealism

美 [hɪˈstɔːrɪkl aɪˈdiːəlɪzəm]英 [hɪˈstɒrɪkl aɪˈdiːəlɪzəm]
  • n.历史唯心主义;历史理想主义
historical idealismhistorical idealism
  1. Through responding to the challenge from historical idealism , we should insist and develop the historical materialism .


  2. Although these answers have their own foundations , they are wrong or one-sided to some extent and most of them have dropped into the historical idealism mire .


  3. Marx critically assimilated the reasonable part of Hegel 's dialectics on development of world history , discarded the factors of historical idealism , and brought about a series of revolutions in ideology of world history .


  4. If we start from the proposition of historical idealism that human nature is selfish , then we will definitely arrive at the wron conclusion that we should institute privatization and take the road of capitalism .


  5. In essence , it is a bourgeois humanitarian thought with a philosophy of historical idealism , aims to alienate intellectuals , the party , and the people with their knowledge and fame wings for having a say .


  6. The modern west legitimacy theory itself has two kinds of basic flaw from the historical idealism na-ture : the approval main body abstraction and disregard for the legitimacy material agent . It has not gone out the experience and the standard idealization difficult position throughout .


  7. Historical paradox between idealism and group violence during the non-normal period & A case study of French and German


  8. Historical Materialism or Historical Idealism & On Disagreement in Analyzing Basic Starting Point in Reform


  9. The CPC 's struggle against the false ideas is actually the struggle of historical materialism against historical idealism .


  10. The essence of theoretical relationship is nature science , yet it can be the essence of itself only as historical science . The idealism direction for natural sciences is the direction diverted from historical science but abstractly exists .


  11. The focus of their contention is how to look at the development of village communes and Russian capitalism . Their fundamental differences are those between historical materialism and historical idealism and between scientific socialism and utopian socialism .


  12. Marx and Engels the masses is the history of historical materialism and historical idealism of the watershed , they believe that history is created by the masses , the masses of the people created a community spirit and material wealth , and is the decisive force of social change .


  13. We are historical materialists , opposed to historical idealism .


  14. These are based on historical materialism , to analyse and criticize the historical idealism of Plato , that is the ultimate principle of good .


  15. To interpret history from this viewpoint is historical materialism ; standing in opposition to this viewpoint is historical idealism .


  16. The work ! history thought is historical materialism , while western globalization theory is the modem form of historical idealism ;


  17. Before the establishment of historical materialism , the historical philosophers all had not been able to jump out the pattern of the historical idealism finally .


  18. Historical nihilism is a socio-political and cultural ideological trend which is produced under the influence of a variety of ideological trends based on the philosophy of historical idealism in the western world .
