
  • n.多毛症;多毛


excessive hairiness
Synonym: hirsuteness


  1. The causes and progress of drug therapy of hirsutism


  2. Excess hair growth , called hirsutism , also can differ by ethnicity , as can body weight .


  3. Women with hirsutism grow hair on their faces , breasts and stomachs .


  4. Hair removal with intense pulsed light in hirsutism of spina bifida occulta


  5. Hirsutism often occur later , it refers to the excessive growth of terminal hair in women , with distribution and growth characteristics like men .


  6. Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream , and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens .


  7. Comparison of the clinical efficacy of flutamide and spironolactone plus Diane 35 in the treatment of idiopathic hirsutism : A randomized controlled study


  8. Long-term use of hormone drugs can produce drug dependence , and easily lead to local skin atrophy , pigmentation , hirsutism , infection and other side effects .


  9. The main side effects of CsA observed included gingival hyperplasia , hirsutism , acne , hand tremor , and dysfunction of liver and kidney .


  10. Ovarian dysfunction is the clinically significant feature , mainly for menstrual disorders , infertility , hirsutism , acne and obesity and so on .


  11. My herb pills ( got in Belgium ) for my infertility , virilization , acne , hirsutism , etc problems has almost run out .


  12. Oral contraceptive pills ( OCs ) are commonly prescribed to reduce hirsutism and acne , maintain regular menstrual periods , prevent endometrial cancer , and prevent pregnancy .


  13. Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia , they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia , nor in hirsutism .


  14. Conclusions IPL is an ideal method to depilate hirsutism of spina bifida occulta because of its credible effect , simple operation , rapid treatment and no serious complication .


  15. Among its desirable qualities are that it induces weight loss , there is mild improvement in lipids , it improves hirsutism and menstrual irregularities , and it may improve hepatic steatosis .


  16. The 1st case suffered from non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ), These 8 patients presented irregular menses , hirsutism , acne or obesity with acanthosis nigricans .


  17. 4-Azasteroids as important 5 α - reductase inhibitors play a critical role in therapy of several human endocrine diseases , such as benign prostatic hyperplasia , male pattern baldness , female hirsutism , etc.


  18. Results The frequencies of occurrence of mother with irregular menses / hirsutism , and father with premature balding / hypertension were significantly higher among the PCOS group than those among the controls ( P < 0.01 ) .


  19. With persistent anovulation , androgen excess and insulin resistance as the main feature , less clinical and more performance for the period or amenorrhea , infertility , hirsutism , obesity , acanthosis nigricans psychosis .


  20. In this group , there were4patients with hypertension , 3with adrenocortical adenoma , 2with Cushing 's syndrome , and1with centric obesity and hirsutism .


  21. Metabolic manifestations of FPLD include hypertriglyceridemia , depressed HDL cholesterol , dysglycemia , acanthosis nigricans , and , among women , hirsutism , polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ), and menstrual irregularities .


  22. There were no distinct differences on the aspects of exercise , the showing up frequency of disordered menses , and hirsutism and acne on female family members , and psychology between fat group and non-fat group ( P > 0.05 ), but two groups displayed an obvious family trend .
