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  1. Jay Hinton and his team are now using the technique to expose the full armoury of foodborne disease agents such as salmonella .


  2. Hinton and Dench have celebrated Thanksgiving together every year since then , and every year he has uploaded a new photo of the two of them .


  3. Hinton is considered as a representative writer in new realist young adult literature .


  4. On the Romantic Colour in Hinton 's New Realist Works


  5. I was over on Hinton street the other day .


  6. Mr Hinton and a spokeswoman declined several req-uests for comment .


  7. Laurence Hinton graduated from the Durham University with a degree in economics .


  8. In one respect , Belden 's experience differed both from Snow 's and Hinton 's.


  9. Mr Hinton may not have seen all the evidence he needed to see at the time , one person familiar with the new internal inquiry said .


  10. That 's not satisfactory , said Jeff Hinton , the owner of a 2013 Passat diesel .


  11. Les [ Hinton ] will be sacrificed to save James and Rebekah , one person familiar with the company said .


  12. While Dench soon realized she had contacted the wrong person , Hinton asked if he could come to the dinner anyway .


  13. Chinese cabbage , corn , cotton , sorghum , Hinton in artist pen . As have a fresh life and noble temperament .


  14. In 2006 , Geoff Hinton , then at the University of Toronto , made a key tweak to this method , which he dubbed deep learning .


  15. Glen : 555 North Hinton Avenue . That 's Hinton near Main . Ours is the house with the big tree in front of it .


  16. One of the tycoon 's most senior deputies Les Hinton has already quit as CEO of Dow Jones , which published the Wall Street Journal .


  17. Mr Goodman 's letter was copied to Les Hinton , a senior executive and close aide of Rupert Murdoch , until he resigned last month ;


  18. Pictured to the left is Les Hinton , who would later resign as publisher of the Wall Street Journal when the2011 News of the World phone-hacking scandal spread .


  19. His area of travel and observation overlaps Hinton 's but is much wider-it includes the Northeast ( Manchuria ) and the lower Hwai and Yangtze valleys .


  20. While expressing contrition , Rupert Murdoch exonerated all the senior executives who ran the UK business during the relevant period , including Rebekah Brooks , her predecessor , Les Hinton , and James Murdoch himself .


  21. In 2016 , Arizona grandmother Wanda Dench sent out texts to members of her family to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner . Instead of texting her grandson , however , she accidentally sent a message to then 17-year-old Jamal Hinton .


  22. In the past week , Murdoch has closed the News of the World tabloid , abandoned his offer for control of pay-TV giant BSkyB and let go two top executives , Brooks and Dow Jones chief Les Hinton , in a bid to control the crisis .
