highly conserved sequence

美 [ˈhaɪli kənˈsɜːrvd ˈsiːkwəns]英 [ˈhaɪli kənˈsɜːvd ˈsiːkwəns]
  • 高度保守序列
highly conserved sequencehighly conserved sequence
  1. Localization and clone of four segments of highly conserved sequence of β ig-h3 gene and construction of their prokaryotic expression vector


  2. According to the reportes about highly conserved sequence of apple trees , pear trees or the other woody years plants and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana , the proper primers were designed by primer premier 5.0 and oligo 6.0 software .


  3. On our conjecture , Gene 3A , a highly conserved sequence , may be the determinant of the virulence of FMDV . Changes in 3A have been associated with altered host range .


  4. There exist highly conserved sequence motifs including W , X , Y , CCAAT , and TATA-like boxes in the obtained sequences , showing the same organization of the conserved regulatory elements as in other species .


  5. CREB binding protein ( CBP ) is a crucial transcriptional coactivator , which contains highly conserved sequence and can interact with about 300 kinds of transcription factors , and is considered to be the key point of the regulation of mammalian genes transcription .


  6. CONCLUSION : CVB2 Yunnan strain shows the highest similarity to Ohio 1 strain , and they are closely related , which is characterized by two valines deletion in the major neutralizing immunogenic epitope and regular variation with a highly conserved sequence in the common antigenic determinants of CVB .


  7. The common feature of these membrane proteins is the tendency on the trimer and they share highly conserved amino acid sequence in their primary structures .
