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  • 网络氧化汞;红色氧化汞;肝葡萄糖输出;红氧化汞;三仙丹
  1. Microstructure and precipitate of low temperature hot rolled HGO silicon steel plate by normalizing


  2. Results showed that in the oxidative flue gases atmosphere of coal combustion , sulfur can inhibit Hgo ( g ) formation .


  3. The electrochemical performance of the two materials was studied by cycling voltammetry in the range - 0.3-0.6 V ( Hg / HgO ), which indicated their capacitive behaviors .


  4. In order to implement the sensor-less control , a high gain observer ( HGO ) was proposed to estimate the rotor fluxes , speed and time constant using the stator currents and voltages .


  5. Three-electrode system is introduced to test the difference . Ni ( OH ) _2 / NiOOH is used as the counter electrode , CNTs-Ni ( the mass ratio is 1:9 ) as the working electrode and Hg / HgO as the reference electrode .


  6. In the active dissolution potential regime ( - 0.95V ~ -0.40V vs Hg / HgO , the same in all potentials mentioned in this paper ), Fe dissolves mainly via a two-electron transfer reaction to a soluble bi-valent iron species of HFeO_2 ~ - ion ;
