- 网络非均质层;异质层;不匀层;不均层;异份圈

From computing the safety coefficient of homogeneous and heterosphere slopes , we can get useful conclusion that the safety coefficient change in the course of precipitation duration .
By analyzing the physical geography , regional hydrology and geology information , and groundwater equilibrium of DunHuang Basin , this paper simulates the aquiferous layer which has the thickness of 250 m , and consider it as two dimension mixed layer which is heterosphere and isotropy .
Humanities and Social Sciences
Hebei Medical University
Harbin Medical University
Hangzhou Normal University
Henan Polytechnic University
Hubei University of Technology
Hunan University of Technology
Historical research method
Hu Shi
Higher Education Press
horizontal movement
Hefei University of Technology
Heat flow
Heidelberg University
Humboldt University of Berlin
Hubei University
Hebei Normal University
Harbin Normal University
Hunan Normal University