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  • 网络霸主;霸权国


a leading or paramount power


  1. China is not bidding to fill the role of global hegemon recently vacated by the US .


  2. Despite its role in Syria , Russia is not a plausible regional hegemon .


  3. Does China wish to replace the US as the world 's hegemon ?


  4. The rise of the rest leaves no room for a hegemon .


  5. Sometimes even a hegemon may revisit its assumptions when its global influence is on the wane .


  6. It can 't change its history as a regional hegemon , which continues to alarm its neighbors .


  7. The US is behaving like a declining hegemon : unwilling to share power , yet unable to impose outcomes .


  8. They will be able to come and go without obstacles , characteristic of an army that belongs to a king or hegemon .


  9. Brazil evidently sees it as an extension of Nafta , with the US playing the hegemon .


  10. On the State and Tendency of the World Geopolitics and Geo-economy System ," One Hegemon , Many Powers ", in the Twenty First Century


  11. An altruistic hegemon would not be playing these games ; a selfish hegemon will do little else .


  12. Hsiang Yu took the old territory of Ch'u and reserved for himself the title of hegemon king .


  13. Globalisation needs an enforcer – a hegemon , a concert of powers or global governance arrangements sufficient to make sure the rules are fairly applied .


  14. Abu Ghraib and Guant á namo shattered the notion that America would always act as a benign hegemon .


  15. With its economy accounting for 27 per cent of sub-Saharan Africa 's gross domestic product , South Africa rightly aspires to be the continent 's hegemon .


  16. China is a land of poetry . Poesy had a very long history in China and had been possessing of a hegemon top in the ancient literary world for 2,000 or 3,000 years .


  17. The weaponry , organization , logistics , and commanding factors in agriculture civilization make the combat not a decisive tool . " Culture moralism " is a strategic culture of hegemon .


  18. In economic terms , multi-polarity spells a new order in which interdependence is the norm and the US , while still overwhelmingly powerful , no longer occupies the role of hegemon .


  19. Ticketfly has the audacious goal of knocking Ticketmaster from its perch as the unchallenged hegemon of the live ticketing market .


  20. The late Charles Kindleberger of MIT argued that an open economy required a hegemon . One of its roles is to be spender and borrower of last resort in a crisis .


  21. China aspires to be the regional hegemon in east ( and southeast ) Asia . The US – the incumbent hegemon , having dominated the region since 1945 – is blocking its path .


  22. With the US declining in relative terms as a hegemon , the days have passed when it could turn up to international summits and railroad through decisions without bothering to win the argument in advance .


  23. And the duality of TNCs , that is the combination of tool and independence , decides that on one hand , TNCs serve the interests of hegemon and pose a threat to the sovereignty of nation state ;


  24. Wang Shizhen was the " shenyun " poetic world hegemon at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty . He was not only an outstanding poet and the poem critic but also an outstanding biography creator .


  25. What has been said about the fall of the dollar is almost all couched in economic terms . But currency politics is very , very powerful and is part of what has made the US a hegemon for so long , like Britain before it .


  26. Soft balancing has been widely applied to explain the distinctive features of balancing in the era of a single hegemon led international relations from previous balancing studies that explain states ' effort to balance against an emerging great power or threat based on conventional concepts of hard balancing .


  27. For the British Empire which was the world hegemon and the Soviet power emerging on the world stage , the confrontation on the early stage of the postwar period was the main stream . However , the two countries soon began trying to get closed because of their difficulties .


  28. History shows how the maritime balance of power can shift suddenly , re - arranging [ the ] global order , he writes . The political fallout from the disaster ended 75 years of US dominance in the Pacific Ocean and cemented China 's position as the Asian hegemon .


  29. The alliance of city-states was the most important polity in classical world except for Polis . The alliance under a Hegemon was main type of the alliance in Classical Greece , such as Peloponnesian League , Delian League and the Second Athenian League .
