
美 [ˈhɛviz]英 [ˈhɛviz]
  • n.保镖;打手;烈性啤酒;(尤指)苦啤酒
  • heavy的复数



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 重的;沉的
    Something that is heavy weighs a lot.

    These scissors are awfully heavy...


  • ...a sensation of warmth and heaviness in the muscles.


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED 有…重的
    You use heavy to ask or talk about how much someone or something weighs.

    How heavy are you?...


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED 大量的;重大的;严重的;强烈的;剧烈的
    Heavy means great in amount, degree, or intensity.

    Heavy fighting has been going on...


  • It has been raining heavily all day.


  • ...the heaviness of the blood loss.


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED 结实的;粗大的;厚重的
    Someone or something that is heavy is solid in appearance or structure, or is made of a thick material.

    We talk in her Belgrade flat, full of heavy old brown furniture...


  • He was a big man of about forty, wide-shouldered and heavily built.


  • 9
    ADJ-GRADED (质地)黏重的
    A heavy substance is thick in texture.

    It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.


  • 10
    ADJ-GRADED (饭菜)量大的,难消化的
    A heavy meal is large in amount and often difficult to digest.

    He had been feeling drowsy, the effect of an unusually heavy meal.


  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED 充满…的;装满…的
    Something that is heavy with things is full of them or loaded with them.

    The air is heavy with moisture...


  • 12
    ADJ-GRADED (呼吸)粗重的,深沉的
    If a person's breathing is heavy, it is very loud and deep.

    Her breathing became slow and heavy.


  • She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep.


  • 14
    ADJ-GRADED (动作)用力的,猛烈的
    A heavy movement or action is done with a lot of force or pressure.

    ...a heavy blow on the back of the skull...


  • I sat down heavily on the ground beside the road...


  • 16
    ADJ (机器、武器等)重型的,大型的
    A heavy machine or piece of military equipment is very large and very powerful.

    ...government militia backed by tanks and heavy artillery.


  • 17
    ADJ-GRADED 繁忙的;(日程)排满的
    If you describe a period of time or a schedule as heavy, you mean it involves a lot of work.

    It's been a heavy day and I'm tired...


  • 18
    ADJ-GRADED 费力的;繁重的
    Heavy work requires a lot of strength or energy.

    The business is thriving and Philippa employs two full-timers for the heavy work.


  • 19
    ADJ-GRADED 耗费…多的;大量使用…的
    If you say that something is heavy on another thing, you mean that it uses a lot of that thing or too much of that thing.

    Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads.


  • 20
    ADJ-GRADED (空气、天气等)阴沉的,闷热的
    Air or weather that is heavy is unpleasantly still, hot, and damp.

    The outside air was heavy and moist and sultry.


  • 21
    ADJ-GRADED (表情)沉痛的,疲惫呆滞的,阴郁的
    If you describe a person's face as heavy, you mean that it looks sad, tired, or unfriendly.

    Many of them were policemen, with their heavy faces and cropped hair.


  • 22
    ADJ-GRADED (心情)沉重的,悲伤的
    If your heart is heavy, you are sad about something.

    Mr Maddison handed over his resignation letter with a heavy heart.


  • 23
    ADJ-GRADED (形势)棘手的,难应付的
    A situation that is heavy is serious and difficult to cope with.

    I don't want any more of that heavy stuff.


  • 24
    N-COUNT (雇作保镖或打手的)彪形大汉
    A heavy is a large strong man who is employed to protect a person or place, often by using violence.

    They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites.


  • 25
    to make heavy weather of something→ see:weather

  1. They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites .


  2. Make me and my guys play the heavies .


  3. Document preparation is one piece of the most frequent and heavies t work in the daily accounting and bookkeeping after being computerized .


  4. Extremis is also the name of a bioenhancement process that turns some of the movie 's humans into turbocharged heavies who glow with evil energy and look like zombies .


  5. Europium , terbium and yttrium , all heavies , are used in flatscreen electronics and energy-saving lightbulbs , areas projected to have strong demand growth .


  6. Thirdly , traditional modes such as one point ( streaming server ) vs multiple point ( client ) cannot share the different sessions , which consumes more bandwidths and heavies the load of streaming server ;


  7. But , any things all have two heavies , the annoys the boiler if use or manages not appropriate , its negative influence scope and serious degrees will be far larger than the coal boiler far .


  8. We were a mob , and had we all chosen to follow the frenzied front-seaters who tried to storm the stage , there 's little that the heavies planted nervously below could have done to stop us .
