hearing disability

美 [ˈhɪrɪŋ ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti]英 [ˈhɪərɪŋ ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti]
  • 网络听力残疾;听力障碍
hearing disabilityhearing disability
  1. The hearing disability student is society 's special community .


  2. An Analysis of Causes of Hearing Disability in Beijing Residents


  3. The rehabilitation demand analysis of hearing disability among children aged 0-6 years in Beijing


  4. Study on hearing disability among children aged 0 ~ 6 years in Peking


  5. Disparity in age hearing disability student , mental healthy level existence significance difference .


  6. Hearing disability scale standard for the second national sampling survey of hearing disability in China


  7. Results The prevalence of hearing disability was 1.04 ‰ with the false negative rate 0.14 ‰ .


  8. The finding shows that a notable difference on the ability of motion balance exists between students with hearing disability and normal students .


  9. The life of hearing disability people can be affected directly by using the hearing aids , especially when they participate in social life equally .


  10. As a result of hearing disability existence , Causes them to be unable with the normal student to carry on the smooth communication exchange ;


  11. Objective To explore the prevalence and the risk factors of hearing disability in the children aded 0 ~ 6 years in Peking .


  12. Objective : To investigate the population-based epidemiological conditions of hearing disability in Inner Mongolia and provide scientific data for drawing up the prevention and treatment strategies .


  13. The prevalence of hearing disability was 5.3 % . ( the standardized rate : 3.86 % in the whole country , 4.67 % in Jiangsu province ) .


  14. Children with hearing disability are a colossal special colony , and they show many behavioral problems such as distrust , obstinacy , impatience and other behavioral issues .


  15. At present , Audio-phone and Cochlear Implant are the two most popular equipment using for helping deaf people with their hearing disability . However , neither of them can radically solve the problem .


  16. But present research of emotion understanding mainly based on the western cultural background , which focused on the developmental characteristics of one or more components of emotion understanding of normal children , lacking of overall review of emotion understanding situation of children with hearing disability .


  17. Then research two explored the developmental characteristics of emotion understanding of normal kindergarten children and normal children of grade one , grade three and grade five using the emotion understanding questionnaire of children , thus offered the foundation for research of emotion understanding of children with hearing disability .


  18. Assessment and gradation of hearing impairment disability among 325 noise exposed workers


  19. Conclusions Sound stimulation test is simple , convenient and economic in neonatal hearing screening , so that it is a good method for early detection of hearing disability .
