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  • 网络移植物抗肿瘤效应;移植物抗肿瘤;地面振动试验;全局虚拟时间;地面共振试验
  1. Structural Mass Model Updating Based on Optimization Algorithm and GVT Results


  2. Another test area where virtualization methods is used is GVT .


  3. Studying the Effect of Cultural Protocols on Media Choice in GVT


  4. Model of Relation between Cultural Diversity , Conflict Management and Team Performance of GVT


  5. A structural mass model updating technique based on optimization algorithm and GVT results was presented .


  6. FEM Updating Based on GVT Results and MSC Nastran Optimization Ability


  7. Some problems of these strategies are also found , such as late feedback of time window regulation and large GVT computation overhead .


  8. The Solaris zones are very useful for product installation tests , GVT tests , and resource manager tests .


  9. Conclusion : CT and MRI findings of GVT are characteristic , and may be reliable evidences for clinical diagnosis of GVT .


  10. A combined agency - dynamic capabilities perspective shows that a key to the success of controlling GVT operating in a complex environment depends on the human resource management system design .


  11. In Globalization Verification Test ( GVT ), the FVT is also tested in all supported locales to make sure the product functionality is consistent .


  12. If the globalization testers can validate the major GVT guidelines and provide feedback to the developers at the early stage , it will reduce the cost of defects .


  13. The research on the transient message problem and simultaneous reporting problem was discussed , which are the most difficult core issue in the global control mechanism based on the Global Virtual Time ( GVT ) algorithm .


  14. The definition of the GVT and the difference from LBTS were introduced , and then the transient message problem was analyzed and a simple synchronous GVT algorithm was provided .


  15. In Time Warp Parallel and Distributed Event Simulation , event and state information can be saved for rollback processing , old event or state information whose timestamp is less than GVT would be discarded .


  16. In case of GVT , the same WPARs can be used to run the BVT and FVT in different locales by setting the locale one after the another .


  17. Along with development of transplantation , immunology and cognition , GVHD will be weakened and GVT will be strengthened possibly . Thusness , survival quality of patients can be improved indeed .


  18. In allogenetic bone marrow transplantation ( allo BMT ), its activated bone marrow NK cells can improve bone marrow implantation and hematological recovery , prevent Graft Versus Host Disease ( GVHD ), and increase Graft Versus Tumor effection ( GVT ) .
