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  1. Herein , Paper studies the mechanism of how the industrial cluster 's value chain extends and embeds in the GVC , and paper studies the relationship of the cluster 's risk and the clusters ' global relation in the frame of GVC analysis .


  2. Analyzing the interests ' distribution between developed and developing countries with the GVC theory .


  3. Part four ( Chapter five ): The governance is one of the major content in GVC theory .


  4. Headquarters Economy , Industrial Upgrading and Balanced Regional Development : In Perspective of GVC


  5. Independent Innovation and Upgrade of Industry Embedded in GVC


  6. Part two mainly introduces some concepts and theories of OEM 、 GVC and the sustainable development .


  7. This paper studies and establishes the enterprise clusters ' positioning index system in the GVC distributing system .


  8. Using management research method to determine the impact factor of GVC potential , design a research scale and then verify its reliability .


  9. The Yangtze River Delta 's International OEM / ODM Independent Value System Construction and GVC Upgrading


  10. Subsequently , studies on GVC began enriched .


  11. Upgrading of Chinese Local Clusters at the System of Global Outsourcing : Based on a Comparative Survey of GVC and NVC


  12. Based on the GVC scheme , a numerical solver was constructed to simulate two-dimensional interface problems of high pressure and density ratio .


  13. The paper proposes four paths to upgrade industry clusters with origin diversification based on the different ways to embed industry clusters in GVC .


  14. Empirical study indicates that the actual performance of independent GVC model is better than that of embedding GVC model in self-owned brand construction .


  15. Based on empirical study and standardize research , this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry .


  16. Considering Chinas status in GVC division of labor and Chinese industry pattern , latent upgrading is more feasible than apparent upgrading in China .


  17. Driving Forces and Achieving Paths of Evolvement of Local OEM Enterprises Competitive Strategy in Yangtze River Delta & Based on Visual Angle of GVC


  18. However , the enterprises of low market power are still unable to achieve the function upgrade in GVC which had formed the intermediate type of governance structure .


  19. Subcontracting enterprises can be locked into the low value added activities of GVC because of path dependency , which is influenced by different level reasons .


  20. On the Upgrading of Regional Sporting Goods Manufacture Cluster Based on Global Value Chain ( GVC ) & take the Jinjiang of Fujian province as example


  21. By embedded in GVC , Chinese enterprises in clusters get chances to learn and absorb knowledge of technology and management , then achieve upgrading at the same time .


  22. In the context of global value chain ( GVC ), industries spanned country boundaries , which changed the nature of country 's participation in international division .


  23. With the accelerating process of Economy globalization , the global value chain ( GVC ) of industry becomes fragmental and shapes the local production system and industrial clusters .


  24. Furthermore , it does some research on the issues needed further study and the implications of embedding GVC to achieve industrial upgrading of Chinese enterprises and industrial clusters .


  25. Quite a number of research results have proposed the prospects of upgrading and the upgrading path by analyzing the extent to which industry clusters are embedded in GVC .


  26. The apparent upgrading , which is technology oriented , is defined as the cluster climbing up the U GVC curve from lower segment to higher segment .


  27. At the same time many domestic enterprises are embedded the global value chain leads by multinational corporations , which leads them loss the power of further rise in the GVC .


  28. The reality that Zheshang firms , embedded in GVC , face the dilemma between value growth and share declining , is for value power waning .


  29. Especially for the industrial clusters in developing country , the global relation is more important than the local relation , participating in GVC is important way to improve their ability and upgrade .


  30. This paper reviews the forming and developing process of Global Value Chain ( GVC ) Theory , the dynamics model of GVC , and five types of governance structures of GVC .
