
  • 网络喷浆;喷浆支护
  1. Key points for the construction and quality test of cement guniting stirring pile


  2. The application techniques of colourful concrete guniting on the road side prevention


  3. An application example of cement guniting pile project technique in Xinxiang City Proper


  4. Harm of Converter Sludge Guniting to Sintering Production and Prevention Countermeasures


  5. Study of bolt supporting with inner guniting from bolt end


  6. Design of Anchored Guniting Slab as a Supporting Structure of Deep Foundation Pit


  7. Research and application of non-dusty high bonding dry-mixed guniting material


  8. The detailed methods are improving the proportion of guniting materials , the operating methods , construction technology and spraying tool .


  9. Application of guniting pile in seepage-proof wall project in lower reaches levee of Huanghe River


  10. Application of the Supporting and Protecting Technology of Guniting and Anchoring in Sloping Surface Protection with High and Steep Roch Edge Slope


  11. Being directed against the demand of the mine guniting robot 's design and manufacture , do the active analysis to the situation of robot 's arms end .


  12. The well excavation inspection , water injection experiment and core boring prove that high pressure swing guniting method for curtain grouting is feasible and parameters used in construction are correct .


  13. Having been treated with coment guniting and mixing piles , the bearing capacity of composite foundation can be increased to 1.2 to 2.3 times that of natural foundation .


  14. This paper introduces the treatment of dry pile ex-tension pored concrete by the way of strengthening the surrounding soil of the pile and cutting off water by using high pressure guniting .


  15. Based on the principle of polymer modified cement , A new kind of guniting material was researched , which can used in the underground coal roadway , construction interior and tunnel for highway and railroad .


  16. On the basis of analyzing the geotechnical engineering geologic data and the architectural design and construction technique of deeper cement powder jetted agitating pile , we have treated with the compound foundation of the cement guniting pile and had a success , and acquired the good social-economic benefits .
