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  • 网络古娟;古德龙;古德伦
  1. Gudrun : but bound to be an experience of some sort .


  2. Gudrun : ursula , don 't you really want to get married ?


  3. Next follows Gudrun 's revenge for the death of her brothers ;


  4. But Gerald and Gudrun 's love went to death .


  5. Next gudrun , also grieving for sigurd , leaves her home ;


  6. In this extremity his instinct led him to gudrun .


  7. Gerald and Gudrun always want to dominate and control each other , so their love is inharmonious and must go to destruction .


  8. Ursula and Gudrun , the sisters , fall in love with two different kinds of persons , Birkin and Gerald .


  9. Gerald and Gudrun , who are involved in a struggle for supremacy by the abuse of will .


  10. Both Gerald and Gudrun , have the tendency of dominating others , they are influenced by the industrial civilization , they do things according to the mental consciousness ;


  11. Gudrun came up quickly , unseen . She was dressed in blue , with woollen yellow stocking , like the Bluecoat boys .


  12. Ursula falls in love with Birkin , the school inspector , while Gudrun has a crush on Gerald , the young mine owner .


  13. Obsessed with vision , Gudrun was often kept in the alienated state of wakefulness by her " glittering " consciousness while her lover was in perfect unconscious sleep .


  14. " Him !" ejaculated birkin . " poor gudrun , wouldn 't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away !" he was hugely delighted .


  15. Gudrun ( Thermal Baths Employee ): Sometimes the girls go to the hot11 ) tub to12 ) gossip about boys , the boys get to look at the girls in their little clothing , for free , you know ?


  16. Gudrun ( Thermal Baths Employee ) : Sometimes the girls go to the hot 11 ) tub to 12 ) gossip about boys , the boys get to look at the girls in their little clothing , for free , you know ?


  17. So the love between Gerald and Gudrun is doomed and their relationship represents destruction , ending with the death of Gerald . While the love between Birkin and Ursula is going to rebirth . They unite their bodies and souls so as to search the meaning of life .
