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  • 网络头盔;商学院;芝加哥大学商学院;国标头盔;加纳标准局
  1. Due to the narrow genetic base of cucumber , the studies of GSB resistant genes are quite limited .


  2. GSB technique was tested in the Miaojiahe River in order to study its feasibility and practice effects based on experiment and analysis results .


  3. Based on your professional experience , compared to people without MBAs , how do Chinese GSB grads rank in the following .


  4. Study on Gradual-submerging Bed Technique ( GSB ) for the Revegetation of Submerged Macrophytes Growth Conditions


  5. E-GA301 pump GSB for the model of vertical high-speed pumps , the11th Aerospace Corporation Manufacturing Institute .


  6. As a side note , I 've noticed GSB has an awful track record for women in tech matriculating .


  7. 3 , Interrelation of light compensation depth , hanging depth of GSB and submerged macrophytes revegetation were discussed in this article .


  8. Objective : To examine the effect extracts of GSB and DL on MC3T3-E1 cell and alveolar bone resorption model in SD rat respectively .


  9. Properties testing showed that GSB 1 has such performances as centralized particle diameter , reasonable density and low disintegration rate in highly close pressure , so it can be used in deep well fracturing .


  10. Objective : To observe the efficacy of ganglion stellatum blocker ( GSB ) and He-Ne laser radiation in the treatment of vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis ( VACS ) .


  11. There are lots of Chicago GSB alums in Shanghai , but maybe only few of them have agreed to conduct interviews . Anyway , it 's not a make-or-break element in your application ( my personal opinion ) .
