
美 [ˈgroʊsər]英 [ˈgrəʊsə]
  • adv.全部;总共
  • adj.总的;严重的;毛的;令人不快的;使人厌恶的;令人恶心的
  • n.总收入;一罗(144 个);全部 (= 12打 ) 罗
  • gross的比较级
  1. The social justice movement was the first largescale attempt to palliate the grosser aspects of American life .


  2. We have sought very thoughtfully to set our house in order , correct the grosser errors and abuses of our industrial life ,


  3. It gets grosser more than that.When the fungus is large enough , it sends up a reproductive shoot called a fruiting body .


  4. These , perhaps , if more distinctly heard , might have been only a grosser medium , and have clogged the spiritual sense .


  5. The film has retained its position in the top10 film at the British Box Office and is also Aamir 's biggest grosser so far and highest box office grosser of2009 .


  6. Surely this is a lesson to the Lord 's separated ones , teaching them to come away from sin in every form , to avoid not merely its grosser shapes , but even its spirit and similitude .
