grid cells

美 [ɡrɪd sɛlz]英 [ɡrɪd sɛlz]
  • 网络网格单元;网格细胞;定位细胞
grid cellsgrid cells
  1. This structure not only stores non-empty grid cells , but also keeps their relative position relationships , so as to improve storage and retrieve efficiency .


  2. As to the STING algorithm , the tune complexity of clustering isO ( n ), but the time complexity of query is O ( g ), where g is the number of grid cells at the lowest level and g is far smaller than n.


  3. Computation of seismic first-arrival times in triangular grid cells


  4. We recommend an accurate fast new algorithm for computing the seismic first arrival times in triangular grid cells .


  5. The new proposed algorithm judges whether grid cells are connected , and guarantees the clustering results of different shape of clusters .


  6. The method of making leaning field grid cells consists of drawing by hand and drawing with the help of a computer program .


  7. In this work , in order to define various regions of interest , 3-dimensional environment is divided into cubic grid cells .


  8. The algorithm with this approach may have some inconsistency and thus will have O ( 1 ) magnitude errors in some grid cells some time .


  9. The chief applications of the field grid cells include sampling navigation , the creation of a thematic map and grid cell identification in the field .


  10. High-aspect-ratio and anisotropic tetrahedral grid cells are constructed in viscous dominated flow regions by advancing-layers method ( ALM ) .


  11. Then , the Particle-tracing Method is designed , which calculates the advection term by setting some particles in the grid cells and tracing them .


  12. One decomposes the domain using a given subdomain size defined by the number of grid cells in a subdomain and each CPU may compute more than one subdomain .


  13. The improved nonlinear lumped network ( INL ~ 2N ) - FDTD method has been used to analyze the Schottky diode in more than one FDTD grid cells .


  14. A new algorithm using density pointer is proposed to initialize cluster centers . The density pointer ( DP ) algorithm takes the geometric centers of grid cells as symmetrical centers .


  15. The solution of these problems has an important influence on optimizing clustering algorithms of stream systems , application and so on . Firstly , an index tree structure Pks-tree is designed to store grid cells .


  16. Under the consideration of required fertilizer prescription data structure in the fertilizer machine , the vector prescription with the grid cells can integrate organically with fertilizer machine by adopting the Coordinate WGS-84 System .


  17. This algorithm includes the following four procedures : ( 1 ) Automatically recognizing and signing the grid cells located in each river basin according to the flow vector raster data and the classified river raster data ;


  18. Based on the finite element method and finite difference method of the GPR forward modeling are need to divide a large number of grid cells , the form of grid cell and size has a direct impact on the calculation accuracy and the computation time is every large .


  19. Based on the Pks-tree , a corresponding clustering algorithm is implemented to get final results by traversing storage structure and marking grid cells with different cluster labels . Secondly , a new approach for clustering evolving data streams is proposed , which is based on grid density and correlation .


  20. The GridLayout element specifies the dimensions of a grid of cells that components can occupy .


  21. It creates a2-D grid of cells .


  22. At first , the coverage area is divided into a grid of cells . The map layers of landforms are overlayed on the cells and geographical and special attributes of geographical elements are saved in corresponding cells .


  23. Study of the Chemical Plating Accurate Grid of Solar Cells
