
美 [græmz]英 [græmz]
  • n.克(重量单位)
  • gramme的复数
  1. Those on ten grammes a day scored best on tests for memory and attention span .


  2. In the metric system , measurements are made in meters , litres and grammes .


  3. With the tobacco ration at100 grammes a week it was seldom possible to fill a pipe to the top .


  4. They calculated as fluently with atomic weights as they did with grammes or centimetres .


  5. The protein converts calcium carbonate into calcite crystals which makes up the egg shell , creating six grammes of shell every 24 hours .


  6. Fossicking for gold involves sifting through vast amounts of dirt for a few grammes of precious metal .


  7. And only yesterday , he reflected , it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week .


  8. It reduced emergency food aid rations in Rwanda , for example , from 420 grammes to 320G of cereals per person a day .


  9. Rossy had never flown for longer than ten minutes and had to calibrate his equipment and weight to perfection since even the addition of a few hundred grammes would have affected his flying ability .


  10. The salinity of the earth 's oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand , meaning that there are about thirty-five grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilogramme of water .


  11. there is always soma , delicious soma , half a gramme for a half-holiday , a gramme for a week-end , two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East ,


  12. And sure enough , following on a gory description of the annihilation of a Eurasian army , with stupendous figures of killed and prisoners , came the announcement that , as from next week , the chocolate ration would be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty .
