
美 [ˈɡreɪsɪŋ]英 [ˈɡreɪsɪŋ]
  • v.使荣耀;装饰;使生辉;承蒙光临;为增色;为锦上添花
  • grace的现在分词



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 优美;优雅
    If someone moves with grace, they move in a smooth, controlled, and attractive way.

    He moved with the grace of a trained boxer...


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 修养;涵养
    If someone behaves with grace, they behave in a pleasant, polite, and dignified way, even when they are upset or being treated unfairly.

    The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum...


  • 3
    N-PLURAL 风度;体面
    The graces are the ways of behaving and doing things which are considered polite and well-mannered.

    She didn't fit in and she had few social graces.


  • 4
    N-UNCOUNT 宽限期;延缓期
    Grace is used in expressions such as a day's grace and a month's grace to say that you are allowed that amount of extra time before you have to finish something.

    She wanted a couple of days' grace to get the maisonette cleaned before she moved in...


  • 5
    VERB 为…增色;使更加优美
    If you say that something graces a place or a person, you mean that it makes them more attractive.

    He went to the beautiful old Welsh dresser that graced this homely room...


  • 6
    VERB 给…增光;使生辉
    If you say that someone important will grace an event or an organization, you mean that they have agreed to be present at the event or to be part of the organization.

    He had been invited to grace a function at the evening college.


  • 7
    N-UNCOUNT (上帝的)恩宠,恩典
    In Christianity and some other religions, grace is the kindness that God shows to people because he loves them.

    It was only by the grace of God that no one died.


  • 8
    N-VAR (饭前或饭后的)谢恩祷告
    When someone says grace before or after a meal, they say a prayer in which they thank God for the food and ask Him to bless it.

    Leo, will you say grace?


  • 9
    N-VOC; N-PROPER (对公爵、公爵夫人或大主教的尊称)大人,阁下,夫人
    You use expressions such as Your Grace and His Grace when you are addressing or referring to a duke, duchess, or archbishop.

    Your Grace, I have a great favour to ask of you.


  • 10
    See also:coup de grace;saving grace

  • 11
    PHRASE 突然失利;过气;受冷落
    If someone falls from grace, they suddenly stop being successful or popular.

    All went well at first, and I was in high favour; but presently I fell from grace...


  • 12
    PHRASE 通情达理地做;知趣地做
    If someone has the good grace to do something, they are polite enough or honest enough to do it.

    He did not even have the grace to apologise...


  • 13
    PHRASE 若非上帝保佑,要不是我福大命大(我也会遭此不幸)
    If you are talking about someone who is in a bad situation and you say 'There but for the grace of God go I', you mean that you are lucky not to be in the same situation as them and you feel sympathy for them.

  • 14
    PHRASE 情愿地/ 不情愿地;欣然地/不乐意地
    If you do something unpleasant with good grace or with a good grace, you do it cheerfully and without complaining. If you do something with bad grace or with a bad grace, you do it unwillingly and without enthusiasm.

    He accepted the decision with good grace, and wished me the very best of luck...


  • 15
    PHRASE 为…所赞同;得到…的欢心
    If you are in someone's good graces, they are pleased with you.

    You're so eager to stay in the good graces of the King that nothing else matters to you.


  • 16
    airs and graces→ see:air

  1. Will you be gracing us with your presence tonight ?


  2. Even my father is gracing us with his presence .


  3. We are grateful to you for gracing our party with your presence .


  4. Let Mother take over from here and you 'll soon have gorgeous blooms gracing your yard .


  5. We are grateful to you for gracing out dinner with your presence .


  6. First of all , I should thank the Prime Minister for gracing the banquet with his coming .


  7. We thank the governer for gracing this formal dinner with her presence .


  8. We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner .


  9. Rather , headlines about'frankenfoods'are common , with alleged health threats and environmental risks frequently gracing the pages of newspapers around the world .


  10. With around 8.7 million animal species gracing our planet , it 's no wonder that we have some facts about animals totally wrong .


  11. The diamond then passed through the hands of multiple private sellers , gracing a tiara at one point before being set as a pendant .


  12. The queen is gracing us with heripresence .


  13. While there could only be one winner , both turkeys were pardoned by the president , though only one got the privilege of gracing his presence .


  14. She of the unbelievable female figure has become something of a world icon , her likeness gracing the cover of Time Magazine and used in advertising without further identification .


  15. Once treated with the utmost suspicion , they now enjoy an almost celebrity-status , often gracing the front covers of glossy magazines .


  16. An intrusion is gracing my foyer unannounced .


  17. The easy-to-grow tulip gave rise to Tulipmania in the 16th century , and continues to be one of the most popular flowers gracing home gardens .


  18. As the largest waterfall on the Yellow River , and second largest in China , Hukou Waterfall is known around the country for once gracing the RMB 50 note .


  19. Other Chinese stars gracing the red carpet included rising mainland actress Liang Jing , TV host , singer and actor Du Haitao and director Peter Chan .


  20. The publication of Hwang 's work has made him one of South Korea 's busiest and the most celebrated figures , his image gracing newspaper articles and television shows almost daily .


  21. Lao Gan Ma , an affectionate term that translates loosely to godmother , is likely named so because of the woman gracing every jars label .


  22. you will realize At the instant when you suddenly recall those moments That youth without resentment is without any regret Just like the aged moon gracing the hills with quiet clarity


  23. Since then , the aged entertainer has fallen on tough times - having gone from gracing the pages of Playboy to begging on the streets of Michigan .


  24. This includes " Henna Eve ", a painting of two peculiarly distorted musicians , best known for gracing the cover of Liliane Karnouk 's book ," Modern Egyptian Art : 1910-2003 "( see slideshow ) .


  25. Gracing one wall are photographs of celebrities smoking cigars ( among them , Demi Moore , Denzel Washington , Groucho Marx , Ernest Hemingway , Winston Churchill and Sigmund Freud ) .


  26. Once he 's reached the pinnacle of success and is making millions pumping lips full of collagen or gracing the silver screen , the starter wife is kicked to the curb in favor of a younger or more famous new mate .
