- n.戈达

Application of Goda Formula for Wave Pressure in British Standard
Numerical sample tests and physical model experiments are also conducted to prove the accuracy of the two methods , and the results of the two methods are compared with Goda 's method .
Uncertainty-sensitivity analysis and multivariate joint probability study of input wave and sea level are used for experiments and calculation by China design code , formula Delft and Goda .
The comparison between the experimental values and the calculation results by Goda formula , the Chinese standard formula and the aforementioned method shows that the neural network model can be well used to predict wave forces on a vertical wall .
The most representative methods of wave breaking indices are proposed by Goda and Nelson , but both of them can not reflect the influence of the bottom friction factors and the wave asymmetry on the breaking indices .
The physical experiments give the series of wave records under the interaction between surface waves and sandbars on the seabed . Based on the series of wave records , reflection coefficients are calculated by Goda 's method and the Bragg resonance are obtained .