
美 [ˈɡoʊstɪŋ]英 [ˈɡəʊstɪŋ]
  • n.(屏幕上的)重像
  • v.无声地行进
  • ghost的现在分词


the appearance of a faint second image next to an image on a television screen, computer screen, etc.



  • 1
    N-COUNT 鬼;幽灵
    A ghost is the spirit of a dead person that someone believes they can see or feel.

    ...the ghost of Marie Antoinette...


  • 2
    N-COUNT (尤指对可怕事物的)记忆,回忆
    The ghost of something, especially of something bad that has happened, is the memory of it.

    The President is using the two visits to lay the ghosts of the Munich Agreement.


  • 3
    N-SING 一丝;一点
    If there is a ghost of something, that thing is so faint or weak that it hardly exists.

    He gave the ghost of a smile...


  • 4
    VERB 代人写作;为人代笔
    If a book or other piece of writing is ghosted, it is written by a writer for another person, for example a politician or sportsman, who then publishes it as his or her own work.

    I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail...


  • 5
    PHRASE 没有一点(成功的)可能;机会渺茫
    If someone does not stand or does not have a ghost of a chance of doing something, they have very little chance of succeeding in it.

    He doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of selling the house.


  • 6
    PHRASE (人)放弃,撂挑子;(机器)报废,不再运转
    If someone gives up the ghost, they stop trying to do something because they no longer believe they can do it successfully. If a machine gives up the ghost, it stops working.

    Some firms give up the ghost before they find what they are looking for...


  1. Dr. Jones says " they may do things to self-sabotage , like ghosting " .


  2. Ghosting , after a date , is based on different reasons and some far from how the date turns out .


  3. According to Natalie Jones , a doctor of psychology3 , someone 's reason for ghosting you has little to do with you .


  4. Ghosting -- aka the Irish goodbye , the French exit -- refers to leaving a social gathering . The next moment you 're gone , in the manner of a ghost . ( Source : Wordspy ) For example :


  5. Ghosting Effect in the Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Aromatic Acids


  6. Multiple ghosting Many water sources have been destroyed or very badly infective affected .


  7. An Analysis of the Ghosting Artifact in Adaptive Nonuniformity Correction


  8. Ghosting : An intrusive interference image on a printed area of large solid or half-tone .


  9. Ghosting is the trend of disappearing from a relationship - common among a generation of online daters .


  10. Image mosaic has been researched for several years , but still it is hard to realize mosaic without ghosting and exposure difference .


  11. A thin , icy mist was ghosting up from the turf .


  12. He is ghosting for a movie star .


  13. Conclusion Breath hold cine MR imaging is useful method for evaluation the left ventricular function because of non ghosting artifacts and short imaging time .


  14. Yet another reason why ghosting on breakfast or forgoing other meals throughout the day backfires on you .


  15. In the model update process , through integrating with the frame difference , we solve the " ghosting " and smear phenomenon . 2 .


  16. His assistant is ghosting his speeches .


  17. That3ms response time a huge factor when playing fast-paced games and in my subjective experience , it worked great with no noticeable on-screen ghosting .


  18. Multiple ghosting The multistate of object-oriented language falls into heavy duty , forced , inclusion and parameter , which is associated with genericity .


  19. This paper combines Poisson image fusion method and optimal seam technology , which solve the crack when the images fuse effectively , " ghosting " and the phenomenon of exposure .


  20. During the acquisition of a magnetic resonance images ( MRI ), blurring and ghosting artifacts caused by the patient 's motion can seriously affect the result of diagnosis .


  21. Early LCDs showed ghosting during fast-action shots , but , again , this has been greatly eased in newer sets .


  22. If you continue to display the same image on the screen for a long period of time , part of that image may burn into the screen and leave a ghosting image behind .


  23. I am ghosting for a millionaire .


  24. Based on this consideration , an edge-directed NN-NUC scheme ( ED-NN-NUC ) was proposed to eliminate the ghosting artifact and the target fade-out .


  25. Experiments show that the above-mentioned algorithms can implement accurate matching of images and eliminate seams and ghosting in stitched images . Finally , we developed an automatic panorama construction system using Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 .


  26. The floatage state and Load rule of the buoy is analyzed . The causes are found of the buoy submersing in seawater , the alarm light signal ghosting and the buoy cable breaking off .


  27. The cause of the target fade-out and the ghosting artifact in NN nonuniformity correction scheme for infrared focal plane array ( IRFPA ) was studied . It was found that ignoring target edge and updating correction coefficients blindly in the NN-NUC scheme were the cause of the problems .
