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  • 网络桂枝茯苓丸
  1. Conclusion : Both GFW and danazol can affect angiogenesis of EM model rats , cause an obvious atrophy in ectopic endometrium . The effect could be enhanced when they are used synergically .


  2. Conclusion : GFW can enhance the immune function of tumor bearing mice host .


  3. Inhibiting effects on E. Result For S_ ( 180 ) sarcoma , the inhibiting ratio of GFW is 34.11 % .


  4. The optimal concentration was 1 μ g / mL , while the alkaloids yield was 1.5 folds of the control , reaching to 768.35 μ g / gFW .


  5. Unpollinated fruit harvested at 165 d after full blossom had a lower content ( by 4.72 mg / gFW ) of soluble sugars and a lower juice pH ( by 0.07 ) than those of hand pollinated ones .


  6. And the SOD activities were measured by NBT-illumination method . The results showed that acclimating the desert lizard at 4 ℃, the SOD activity was 3661.69 ± 369.828u / ( h · gFW ), was the lowest ;


  7. The results showed that the HPT expression level in the plants of Bt transgenic rice ranged from 15.67 to 60.12 ng / gFW during the whole growth , and its content in the flour of the Bt-rice was 5.28 ng / gFW .
