- n.魄力;干劲;进取心;胆量
- adj.干劲十足的

Only when social public opinion is guided by correct theories , can it produce get-up-and-go effects , but not all adjustment to and control over social public opinion is proper .
The American success was not some statistical fluke . It derived from a get-up-and-go culture , bred from the freedom to serve a huge internal market spread over vast distances .
They can come up with all sorts of great ideas when they work together , and Libra has the get-up-and-go needed to put their ideas into action , a quality which Gemini tends to lack .
America 's get-up-and-go entrepreneurial culture and adventurous spirit outlived the passing of the frontier , and still inspires and nourishes millions . No other country has a population so habituated to self-help and self-improvement .