geophysical phenomena

geophysical phenomenageophysical phenomena
  1. High frequency oscillations in geophysical phenomena and solar activity


  2. First Symposium on rhythm in geophysical phenomena in dunhuang , 1986


  3. Earth rotation and it 's relations to geophysical phenomena : i.the changes of length of the day


  4. Commensurability can be used geophysical phenomena .


  5. The low-point displacement is one of the complicated geophysical phenomena which is affected by many factors and its mechanism is still under study .


  6. The polar mesosphere in summer is host to a number of fascinating geophysical phenomena that are primarily caused by its extreme thermal structure .


  7. A reasonable model is necessary and expected to explain various Earth 's surface observed geological , geochemical , and geophysical phenomena controlled by the lowermost mantle .


  8. The results showed that the classical astrometric observations will be not only valuable for the study of seisms and their predictions , but also significant for research of vertical line variations and other related geophysical phenomena .


  9. The 413-dey period , which appears to accord with period of the chandler wobble , may be a astronomical factor not to be ignored for the researchs on some geophysical phenomena .


  10. External celestial bodies cause some astronomical and geophysical phenomena to mechanical perturbation of earth , for example , precession and nutation of inertial and rotational axis of Earth in space , wobble of rotational axis for Earth relative to itself , etc.


  11. Soil erosion is one kind of widespread geophysical dynamics phenomena under the synthetic effect of internal-force and external-force .


  12. Modern geophysical research also examines phenomena of the outer parts of the earth 's atmosphere and even the physical properties of other planets and their satellites .
