- n.地球工程;气候工程

An example of the former could be geoengineering .
That sounds dull compared with geoengineering . But it is also infinitely safer .
Geoengineering uses science and technology to " hack " the planet back into shape .
and global warming could be addressed by so-called geoengineering , or manipulating the environment to halt rising temperatures .
A geoengineering experiment has come unstuck .
Even geoengineering promoters warn of unintended side effects . Out-of-control algae blooms could create massive dead zones in the ocean ;
From mimicking a volcanic eruption to mirrors in space , some geoengineering schemes are pretty far out there .
Other things being equal , the models also agree that geoengineering tends to suppress the hydrologic cycle , with less evaporation and less rainfall .
That 's in contrast to some previous studies that found that this type of geoengineering might benefit some parts of the world while large other areas were harmed .
Though Dr Russell 's experiment had been designed mainly to look at how clouds form naturally , it paves the way for future work on geoengineering .
Since world leaders appear unwilling or unable to take meaningful action to reduce greenhouse emissions , some maverick scientists are proposing a risky solution called geoengineering .
It 's not a fix for climate change , and it 's a form of geoengineering so extreme that it carries risks that may not be fully predictable .
But the risks of such geoengineering are myriad - from ozone depletion to fast-rising temperatures should Mt Pinatubo-style techniques ever stop - because the underlying emissions causing warming would continue .
We 'd have to keep geoengineering indefinitely to balance out continued greenhouse-gas emissions , and the motivation to decarbonize might disappear if we believed we had an insurance policy .
Interest in geoengineering ismounting as warming carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise despite decades of UN climate negotiations , billions of dollars worth of renewable energy subsidies and sporadic attempts to price carbon .
A further complication was a patent application covering some relevant technology by Peter Davidson , a consultant engineer whom the EPSRC had asked to play a role in choosing what geoengineering work it should pay for .
In one new study in Nature Climate Change , researchers from Harvard , MIT , and Princeton used a state-of-the-art , detailed computer model to look at what might happen if solar geoengineering was used to cut global temperature increases in half .
As Clive Hamilton , a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research , pointed out to the meeting , though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory , their effects on the way people think could be more profound , and much less easily contained .