
  • n.概括; 归纳;一般化


(psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus
Synonym: generalization stimulus generalization stimulus generalisation
reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
Synonym: generalization induction inductive reasoning
the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances
Synonym: abstraction generalization
an idea or conclusion having general application
he spoke in broad generalities
Synonym: generalization generality


  1. Generalisation of the argument requires that the chain of voluntary transactions which leads to the award of a bonus to the chief executive is essentially identical to the single voluntary transaction that passes a coin to Chamberlain .


  2. Generalisation will continue to be a useful business tool .


  3. Section I contains the generalisation of administrative subject .


  4. Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation .


  5. One generalisation we can make , though , is that people get more satisfied with their jobs as they get older .


  6. Too hasty a generalisation would have misled us .


  7. A Generalisation of the Second Fundamental Theorem of Nevanlinna


  8. The lambda-calculus represented an elegant and powerful symbolism for mathematical processes of abstraction and generalisation .


  9. The first is a dubious generalisation made by the greatest of novelists , Leo Tolstoy .


  10. Indeed if any generalisation could be made about MWS it is that they are much more likely than average to own property in France .


  11. The fallacies of DIY economics are mostly the result of generalisation : we mistakenly infer the properties of the whole from our limited experience of a smaller part .


  12. That is a generalisation , as there have been effects since the silents in1900.But there was no special effects industry and effects-driven movies were rare .


  13. As a sweeping generalisation , it seems to me that Americans and Canadians are motivated by fear of pollution ; they buy bottled water for what it does not contain .


  14. Before the war , Hilbert had developed a certain generalisation of Euclidean geometry , which involved considering a space with infinitely many dimensions . This ' space " had nothing to do with physical space .


  15. Robert Mundell , the doyen of the theory of currency areas , has explained the correct modern generalisation " cheap money drives out dear , if they exchange for the same price " .


  16. It is more nearly accurate to say that slumps are associated with rapidly falling inflation , which may or may not take the recorded rate into negative territory , but even this generalisation is subject to many exceptions .


  17. The brief generalisation on administrative subject is based on the conception of the administrative subject , the historical development of the administrative subject , theory of country body in administrative law in continental legal system and the conditions to establish the administrative subject .


  18. Not only are the Brics such a disparate group that almost any generalisation is problematic , but China , the overwhelmingly dominant member of the quartet , still seems wedded to an economic model dependent on demand elsewhere .


  19. Forgive me for using East and West kind of loosely , it 's a lot easier to say than the English-speaking language , or Asian-speaking language , Chinese , or getting into specifics . I 'm making generalisation and I hope you can go with me on this .
