- n.很大的数目

I work at a company where there are about a gazillion employees . I can 't say that I know them all by name , but I know my fair share of them .
We 've only gone over the plan a gazillion times .
your odds of meeting someone increase by , like , a gazillion percent .
And , what happens if I put a gazillion of these things together ?
True , Roberts has written a gazillion love stories , but this one is a real standout .
Stop and think about that . You 're better than one in a million , or a billion , or a gazillion ..
Everybody knows by now that there 's a gazillion books on me either out or coming out in the near future .
Sometimes a person with a relatively small twitter following is more influential in real life than someone else who has a gazillion followers .
But that 's just me - oh , and about a gazillion other people around the world , and even one or two hundred in the United States .
OLAM is a niche trader in cocoa , garlic , milk and tomatoes , among a gazillion other things .
Imagine the darkest , emptiest thing you can and cube it a gazillion times and that 's where we are .
Having your soul process a gazillion tons of information all at once is actually a good thing , although you won 't , again , probably be able to tell until the entire fatiguing process is completed .
This is a joke , right ? Isn 't this what you wanted ? It 's one thing -- Stouffer 's French bread pizza.Did you never notice mom kept a gazillion boxes in the freezer because it 's my favorite ?
The Academy Award nominees ' photos will be plastered from Boise to Bombay after the March 7 awards show , which will be watched by something north of 35 million television viewers & and seen on a gazillion blogs .
Amanda : I 'm so exhausted , Mike . I 've been shopping in gazillion department stores with my mom throughout the week . We 're planning on renovating our house , so we 're looking for everything from new furniture to curtains and carpets for all the rooms .