
  • n.未来;将来
  • futurity的复数
  1. Actualities and futurities of development of Shanghai city-type modern agriculture


  2. Scientific View of Development : Value Selection Futurity and Wholeness


  3. How will futurity regard us ?


  4. Applications and futurity of remote laser-robot processing system in the automobile industry


  5. The significance , problems , and futurity of appliance of web design and making site in HVAC major are discussed in this paper .


  6. The time space metaphor meaning of be going to expressing immediate futurity results from the mapping from concrete space domain to abstract time domain .


  7. The concept of the condition of futurity is the subjective assumption of the conditional relation between events occurring after the present point of time .


  8. Nationality and Futurity of Art of Accordion


  9. Futurity and Future Tense


  10. The guarantee system of judicial independence should be designed according to such principles as the integration of law 's actuality and futurity , of power and duty and of centralization and decentralization .


  11. This paper discusses one of the phenomena of language deviance motivated by the principle of economy , which exists in English verbs and has fossilized : progressive aspect expressing futurity .


  12. If a wise man is not amazed at sudden occurrences , it is not that he has thought more , but less upon futurity . ( No.29 )


  13. Futurity is the proper abode of hope and fear , with all their train and progeny of subordinate apprehensions and desires . ( No.8 )


  14. The latter are exemplified the integration of reality and futurity , of wholeness and singleness , of self-discipline and imposed discipline , of promptness and regularity .


  15. The method extends the scope of application and has the excellent matching results . Lastly , the lack of the research in the paper is summarized , and then looks forward to the futurity of the research of image matching .


  16. Under the guidance of the principles of futurity , feasibility and socialization , the author suggests community sports resources in Chinese cities be exploited and utilized by using investigation , experiment and experience home and abroad for references .


  17. Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration , the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon present , the words which express what they understand not ;


  18. At times , a fearful doubt strove to possess her soul , whether it were not better to send Pearl at once to heaven , and go herself to such futurity as Eternal Justice should provide .


  19. In this paper , actualities of the study on bio-solubilization of coals are introduced , including the background , the study methods , and the mechanism of bio-solubilization , products from bio-solubilization , problems and futurity of bio-solubilization .


  20. Experimental result shows that 2D / 3D image registration based on quantum-behaved particle swarm of gets ideal results . ( 5 ) Lastly , the lack of the research in the paper is summarized , and then looks forward to the futurity of the research of image registration .


  21. We can so far take a prophetic glance into futurity as to foretell that it will be the common and widely-spread species , belonging to the larger and dominant groups within each class , which will ultimately prevail and procreate new and dominant species .
