- n.古田(姓)

In this thesis we study generalization and application of the Furuta inequality .
On the other hand , we simply discuss the remainder problem of the Furuta inequality .
Application of the Control Method of a Class of Continuous Fuzzy Dynamic Systems to the Furuta Pendulum
Related to Furuta inequality for the chaotic order , Furuta posed two questions .
In addition , we try our best to consider the Grand Furuta inequality with negative index , and obtain a series of conclusions .
The further discussion for the characteristics of Chaotic order are given in this paper , and we give a completely form of Furuta inequality under the chaotic order .
Furuta says she and Bissell and their colleagues are now looking at five other proteins they discovered being secreted by normal developing breast cells .
In their study , Furuta , Bissell , Lee and their colleagues found that whereas IL25 was highly toxic to breast cancer cells , it did not harm normal breast cells .
An order between any two strictly positive operators A and B on a Hilbert space H is defined by A2 ≥( AB2A ) 12.The monotonicity of operator functions associated with Furuta inequality under this order is shown .