- n.提供资金者;基金赞助者

Payment of Funder 's Fee strictly against performance of our service .
SIDA is not the first funder to cut back as a result of the global financial crisis .
Initial reports said the buyer was Russian . Other reports said it was a British hedge funder .
Of course , sometimes small grants open doors to bigger grants from the same funder , and there 's no one right choice .
" We 're not the biggest funder * but [ microfinance ] wouldn 't have happened without the Bank being involved ," he says .
Information asymmetry in agency relationship and the inconsistency of policy objective of government and economic purposes of private funder as well as fund managers lead government to a weak position .
The Hout Bay Music Project currently practices at a community hall , but that might change as a private funder is planning to build them a music school .
So who is Ms. Ambrosiadou ? Media reports from 2008 say the Greece-born hedge funder was the highest paid woman and wealthiest female entrepreneur in Britain .
More and more people are starting using the electronic payment services to deal with various types of funder transfer in this Internet age , and the number is growing at an alarming rate .
Decisions about how to allocate money between research and healthcare are important , but they are for the funder of the health system or host government to make , not the researcher .
The other big difference-the Action Fund has to publicly expose its donors , exposure can be clouded though , if a funder passes the money through a corporation .
Soon , IBM became a key proponent of the technology and sole corporate funder of the Globus Alliance 's Globus Toolkit , consisting of open source software for building grids .