fundamental category

美 [ˌfʌndəˈmentl ˈkætəɡɔːri]英 [ˌfʌndəˈmentl ˈkætəɡəri]
  • 基本范畴;基本类目,主范畴
fundamental categoryfundamental category
  1. The People : Fundamental Category in the Noumenon of Folk Literature


  2. On the Practical Characteristics , Fundamental Category and Reformatory Strategies of China 's Public Management


  3. Fundamental Category on Emergency Mechanism of Abrupt Environment Affairs


  4. Fairness and Norm is a pair of fundamental category in philosophy of civil law .


  5. The fundamental category of it centers on the " transaction fees "," property right " and " system " .


  6. A New Interpretation of " Contingency " & A Further Reflection on the Fundamental Category of Marxist Philosophy


  7. ( II ) affirms surplus right as fundamental category of microcosmic economic law eliminating misunderstanding of traditional right of theory in Enterprise Law ;


  8. Under the present financial and tax system in China , tax category is the fundamental category , the tax expenditure table is compiled in the segmented method like industry , department and specific tax expenditure form .


  9. Quantifier is one of fundamental category in modern Chinese . The dialect quantifier is an organic component in grammar of Chinese dialects , while the individual quantifier ia main part of Chinese quantifier .


  10. Then , there is the concept of product liability doctrine : product liability doctrine is a tort liability doctrine which cores on the standard of product defect and puts the fundamental category of general tort doctrine as the value orientation .


  11. Therefore , to change this situation that our legal resources have been running inefficiently , and to fulfil the great ambition and static goal , the acceptance of law issue should be taken into jurisprudence field as a fundamental category and studied .


  12. Sincerity is the basic virtue of humanity . The Chinese traditional ethics regards sincerity as the fundamental morality category .


  13. As a fundamental cognitive category , space has attracted great attention of scholars in various fields , and spatial locality refers to the spatial relations between two or more objects in the world .


  14. Like Lao-tzu , Huainan-Zi regarded Tao as the most fundamental and supreme category of its philosophic thoughts .


  15. On the premise of category management is the demand of customer , elements and the category is merchandise manufacturer and retailer of cooperation is the fundamental guarantee of category management .


  16. Try to manufacture a debate about some fundamental characteristic of the category : how can our brand be seen to hold the high ground ?
