full exploitation

美 [fʊl ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn]英 [fʊl ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn]
  • 充分利用;【水产】充分开发
full exploitationfull exploitation
  1. A preliminary study for full exploitation of agriculture information resources in Hunan Province


  2. 2 , Integrated the share resources , that make the full exploitation of the whole company resources ;


  3. So full exploitation of terrestrial heat resource plays a Important role to adjust energy supply structure and alleviate the energy supply pressure .


  4. It has the most abundant timber sources in the world but no full exploitation and utilization has been made yet .


  5. It focuses on interface centered design prototyping , therefore it achieves better communication with end users along with full exploitation of the RAD tools .


  6. In his full exploitation and creative reworking of traditional values . Singer conveys to the reader his prophecy for a hopeful world .


  7. The full exploitation of these resources brought the prosperity of Chongqing literature during the war , and at the same time , it left a significant inspiration to the literary history .


  8. But the amount of current tourism development is still in the initial stage , tourism resources did not achieve full exploitation , the target was not accurate enough , blind development phenomenon exists generally .


  9. Eaf-ornamental plant , shape-ornamental plant , potted greening hedge , which provides scientific theoretic basis for full exploitation of local resources and protection of greening species .


  10. Physical education curriculum resources is important support for physical education curriculum , the full exploitation and utilization of Chinese traditional ethnic sports curriculum resources is helpful to Chinese traditional sports in universities to carry out .


  11. The competition could propel quick development of beer industry especially in the fields of full exploitation and utilization of potential market resources and further optimize the industrial structure and trigger fast advance of science and technology .


  12. The development of the leisure fishery is advantageous to the adjustment of the fishery industrial structure of Beijing , full exploitation of the resources , the development of the tour industry and other related professions .


  13. In terms of the variation of saltwater sources and chlorinity , the South Branch were divided into four sections to be considered for the full exploitation of freshwater resources of the estuary .


  14. Objective : To study the toxicity , anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties of Flos Gossipium Flavonoid ( FGF ) in Xinjiang and contribute to full exploitation of medicinal herbs in Xinjiang .


  15. Since we are now in the computer age , the full exploitation of the computer soft and hard ware technology supplied a massive instrument for the demonstration , teaching and generalization of the related Jingluo theories , which has indispensable realistic significance .


  16. This article , through the analyses of the present exploitation of Ningxia medicinal plant resources , points out that the main obstruction to the full exploitation of these resources lies in the low level of exploitation , underdeveloped management and disorganized production and marketing .


  17. It is very important that the creativity of the scientists ′ collaborative team should be made an evaluation and research from the angle of management of scientific research for its full development and exploitation to push science and technology forward .


  18. The article discussed the successful secret of Shanghai Xintiandi with full of energy from exploitation originality and design originality .
