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  1. FRB ( The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ) had abandoned the traditional Random Walk and Simple Rules , but carried out Taylor 's rule which focuses on credibility and flexibility .


  2. Having abandoned monetary supply as intermediate target , FRB turns to use real interest rate which can keep a long term stable between price and economy growth while some other countries prefer the inflation target regime .


  3. There is still no cohesive explanation for the origin of FRB in the international scientific community at present .


  4. Marxist classical writers have discussed abundantly on the problem of the freedom of religious belief ( FRB ) .


  5. After chemical coloring process , the plating layer exhibited smooth and bright ancient bronze color , which improved the decorating effect of FRB products .


  6. FRB is heat-shrinkable product designed and developed for anticorrosion & mending of welded crater of buried and aerial steel pipelines thermal insulation pipeline .


  7. FRB has since become one of the hottest topics in astronomy . It was not until 2007 when the first FRB was discovered by humans .


  8. The selections of FRB pipe , PP pipe , steel liner PO pipe , and steel framed composite pipe are reviewed with the demands on pipe material in production .


  9. The data investigated are financial remarks or reports delivered by Alan Greenspan , the incumbent Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board ( FRB ) of the USA.


  10. The FRB originated some three billion light years away from Earth . Interference factors including aircraft and satellites have been eliminated and cross validation is being carried out , the scientists said .


  11. Today , many financial regulative institutions of the world , including BCBS , FRB , SEC and banking supervision institutions of EU , use VaR as a benchmark for risk measurement and management .


  12. The FRB detected by FAST 's real-time detection terminal , however , is one that has been observed before , said Zhang Xinxin , an assistant engineer with the NAOC .


  13. After this , the telescope recorded dozens of pulses from the FRB over the course of days . On Sept 3 alone , more than 20 pulses were detected .


  14. Learning micro adjustment policy and caution attitude from FRB , operating the monetary instruments in a tiny range with a cautious manner , China should keep eyes on confidence control , Window Guidance and public anticipation .


  15. FRB decreased interest rate frequently in time after the burst of the dotcom bubble . Empirical analysis shows that the decrease of interest rate is relatively effective to avoid the economic depression and contribute to the recovery of the economy .


  16. Starting with the increasingly prosperous of American economy , this paper probes into foe influence of the American Monetary Policy upon the New Economy , which is made prudently by the Federal Re - serve Bank ( FRB ) .


  17. The mass transfer model of the foam was established on the basis of the penetration theory , and the mass transfer model of the compound tray was obtained according to the mass transfer model of the foam and FRB model in packing .


  18. China 's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope ( FAST ) has detected a repeating fast radio burst ( FRB ) -- mysterious radio signals from outer space -- for the first time , Science and Technology Daily reported .


  19. A multi-level of the banking regulatory system is adopted in America , viz . the Federal Reserve Board ( FRB ), the Comptroller of Currency ( OCC ), the Federal deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) and the state-level banking regulatory organs .
