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  1. The first chapter is foreward , this chapter described the research background , research meaning , the research literature at home and abroad , as well as the research framework .


  2. Preface : Formal statement before the text of a book by the author , explaining how he came to write the book . As distinct from Foreward .


  3. The main measures and the technological process in production practice are put foreward .


  4. FE Simulation of Temperature Distribution in Component and Die during Foreward - extrusion


  5. Research on The Foreward NN Identification of Chaotic Optical Systems


  6. The foreward feed speed control is a valid method in removing the following error ;


  7. A network with Browser / Server architecture for the human tractor analysis system was put foreward .


  8. In this paper , a fast algorithm for the fractal signal wavelet decomposition and reconstruction is put foreward .


  9. The paper describes the importance of ming geology forecasting and puts foreward some proposals and countermeasures .


  10. The mould design assemble diagram , data of main work parts and the main points of the process are put foreward .


  11. It was with such lingering " childhood complex " that human culture and art moved foreward .


  12. This article discusses the necessity of reforming the current tariff system and puts foreward several points worth attention during the reform .


  13. The researcher puts foreward two main ways of the exploration of the social values of Beijing Olympic Games in the fifth chapter .


  14. The technical management of state run coal enterprises was discussed , some principles of the management work were expounded and some suggestions were put foreward .


  15. Results : The foreward micromotion of the standard polyethylene component increased significantly with the increases of posterior slope cut angle .


  16. The crisis of 3 rd century made speed barbarization in the Roman army and pushed foreward the historical course .


  17. Through the study of ground deformation , variable mining ratio method was put foreward to raise coal output ratio , effective measures to realize the method were introduced .


  18. Aim : To put foreward and to design the criteria for the evaluation of curative effect for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation by marks methods .


  19. The influence factors of rock fracture weak face on cut hole blasting are analysed , suit-able hole distributing method based on fracture distribution is put foreward .


  20. Introducing market mechanism into coal enterprises and realize " interior market management " may push foreward the adjustment of interior structure of enterprises and reset optimized different productive factors .


  21. The paper discussed the situation of damage of ecological environment in Inner Mongolia mineral region , and put foreward several suggestions to recover the ecological environment of mineral region .


  22. 7200 / 23 / 38A chock support is used in entry , some problems on its usage and related improvement opinions are put foreward .


  23. The often-happened breakdowns of mining hoists are classified , their cause are analyzed , and the prevention measures are put foreward .


  24. On the bases of analysing the problems in the operation of belt conveyor , concrete mea-sures are put foreward to ensure the normal operation of belt conveyor .


  25. Sustainable agriculture , the world-wide agricultural development strategy first raised by the developed countries in the mid-1980s , is the important foreward problem in the field of world agriculture and sustainable development today .


  26. The leading idea of provincial coal industry in2005 is expounded , six goals of the coal industry are put foreward , and seven works to achieve the goals are arranged .


  27. The main electric equipments and their working characteristics are expounded , the layout of fire proof substations and the automatic fire warning system are analysed , and some concrete technical measurements are put foreward .


  28. Since the suggestion of setting up economic responsibility system in institutes of higher education was put foreward in 1999 , economic responsibility systems lead by headmasters have been set up in every institute of higher education .


  29. It is shown that the travelling wave induces new gasdynamic force which can damp out the foreward traveling wave vibration and induces the self exciting vibration for the backward travelling wave vibration .


  30. Via a example of 110 kV GIS equipment , the method to check SF_6 leak and the calcula-tion of its leaking quantity is presented , the measure to solve the problem is put foreward .
