flying saucers

美 [ˈflaɪɪŋ ˈsɔsərz]英 [ˈflaɪɪŋ ˈsɔːsəz]
  • n.飞碟
  • flying saucer的复数
flying saucersflying saucers

flying saucers


  • 1
    N-COUNT 飞碟
    A flying saucer is a round, flat object which some people say they have seen in the sky and which they believe to be a spacecraft from another planet.

  1. Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain , the report said .


  2. The files also detail a case of flying saucers that were spotted over what was formerly Belgian Congo .


  3. Typically , UFO 's take the shape of flying saucers .


  4. I suppose that flying saucers from other planets exist .


  5. The idea of building flying saucers to bomb London and even New York could have been just such a scheme .


  6. Surprised you left out the flying saucers .


  7. Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers , and the recipes for invisible ink .


  8. Not having heard of flying saucers , I thought it was a Soviet reconnaissance plane , he recounts .


  9. The talk was of flying saucers and that this was a " saucer nest " .


  10. Alone in space , you must blast the asteroids into nothingness and evade the flying saucers and the killer satellite !


  11. As stated above the first " flying saucers " were seen by Kenneth Arnold in that year while he was flying over mountains in Washington State .


  12. One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK .


  13. To that end the Hubble Space Telescope often proves handy for discovering celestial objects shaped like everything from a sea horse , the letter X , tadpoles and flying saucers .


  14. The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers , aliens and other unexplained phenomena . ' We 've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting , ' the agency said on its website .
