
  • 网络飞丽博(杂志名)
  1. Com proper or via apps like Flipboard .


  2. Like Flipboard , the app brings online content together and presents it in a magazine-like layout .


  3. Because Flipboard takes whole articles from publishers and in many cases , including TPMS gives those publishers essentially nothing in return .


  4. Each publication on Flipboard must sell its own ads , at least for the time being ( the company does offer some support ) .


  5. The old school way of grabbing information via Google Reader has given way to smarter apps like Flipboard that filter RSS feeds for mainstream users .


  6. Other news-reading apps like Flipboard and pulse approach retrofitting the news for mobile devices by taking existing stories and tinkering with their layout .


  7. Ken Doctor , an analyst with Newsonomics , pointed to other examples of technology companies hiring journalists , such as Flipboard and Yahoo .


  8. The app reformats web articles into magazinelike formats , similar to Flipboard , the popular reading app offered on Apple and Android devices .


  9. News curation app Flipboard introduced in-app advertising by way of a partnership with publishing house cond é Nast and American Express .


  10. Google ( GOOG ) launched its Flipboard competitor , currents , yesterday for Android devices , iPad , and iPhones .


  11. a slick magazine-style app showing a range of free content from publishers that will compete with the likes of Flipboard and Facebook 's Instant Stories .


  12. " One of the biggest challenges is how do you make that content more easily discoverable , easily consumable , easily digestible ," says Flipboard CEO Mike McCue .


  13. joins a field that already includes Zite , bought recently by CNN ; Editions , created by AOL ; and Flipboard , which Google tried to buy last year .


  14. Flipboard founder and CEO Mike McCue on how he and his last startup , the voice recognition-focused tellme , survived the dotcom bust .


  15. After lunch , connected to Wi-Fi in the apartment we had rented on airbnb , I spent some time with zite , a so-called " intelligent magazine " a la Flipboard .


  16. The move by Yahoo into news-reading technology for mobile devices comes less than a year after the company shut down its Livestand app , which it created in 2011 to compete with companies such as Flipboard Inc. and Alphonso Labs Inc. , the maker of the Pulse app .
