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美 [ˈfleʃɪŋ]英 [ˈfleʃɪŋ]
  • v.使发胖;长胖;喂肉给……
  • n.(制革时)刮肉;(演员穿的)肉色紧身衣
  • flesh的现在分词



  • 1
    Flesh is the soft part of a person's or animal's body between the bones and the skin.

    ...maggots which eat away dead flesh.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 肉体;肌肤
    You can use flesh to refer to human skin and the human body, especially when you are considering it in a sexual way.

    ...the warmth of her flesh.


  • 3
    N-UNCOUNT 果肉;蔬菜的可食部分
    The flesh of a fruit or vegetable is the soft inside part of it.

    Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.


  • 4
    PHRASE 血肉之躯
    You use flesh and blood to emphasize that someone has human feelings or weaknesses, often when contrasting them with machines.

    I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.


  • 5
    PHRASE 亲骨肉;至亲
    If you say that someone is your own flesh and blood, you are emphasizing that they are a member of your family.

    The kid, after all, was his own flesh and blood. He deserved a second chance.


  • 6
    PHRASE 使人反感;使毛骨悚然;使心惊肉跳
    If something makes your flesh creep or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel disgusted, shocked or frightened.

    It makes my flesh creep to think of it...


  • 7
    PHRASE 本人;真身
    If you meet or see someone in the flesh, you actually meet or see them, rather than, for example, seeing them in a film or on television.

    Charles' appeal is best observed in the flesh...


  • 8
    PHRASE 充实;加细节于;使丰满
    If you put flesh on something, you add details and more information to it.

    This is an attempt to put flesh on what has been a very bare skeleton plan up to now.


  • 9
    pound of flesh→ see:pound

  • 10
    PHRASAL VERB 加细节于;使丰满;充实
    If you flesh out something such as a story or plan, you add details and more information to it.

    He talked with him for an hour and a half, fleshing out the details of his original five-minute account...

    他和他谈了一个半小时,将自己原来5 分钟的陈述完全展开了。

  1. He talked with him for an hour and a half , fleshing out the details of his original five-minute account


  2. There are three basic approaches for " fleshing out " our analysis classes


  3. An investigation on the ranges of helical lead angle of blade roller of fleshing machine


  4. Research on the deflection calculation of the axle of penumatic roll fleshing machine


  5. It may require fleshing out , but it offers a clean break from the Bush doctrines .


  6. Try fleshing your essay out with a few quotations .


  7. We also verify that a foolproof architecture has been established before we move on to fleshing out the system 's functionality .


  8. During the design phase , architects and developers can use the diagram to force out the system 's object interactions , thus fleshing out overall system design .


  9. They put them over a beam and they 're fleshing the fat and meat off skin so that it can dry properly .


  10. As you can see , I 've coded the minimum amount of a stack so I can start fleshing out the required behavior first .


  11. The year is 1535 and Henry is in middle age , " a massive man , bull-necked , his hair receding , face fleshing out . "


  12. Additionally , there is still much work to be done with regards to fleshing out the requirements related to the recent addition of the WS-Secure Conversations specification .


  13. Make the scenarios more concrete by fleshing them out into imaginary , but plausible , news stories that are emblematic of the forces at play .


  14. Before you can begin fleshing out the process , you need to provide formal descriptions of the parties that will be involved and the messages that will be exchanged and manipulated .


  15. MOFCOM has concentrated on fleshing out and enforcing guidelines relating to M & A , and it is the impact of this that has attracted the attention of dealmakers .


  16. He had died two days earlier of bone cancer , but he seemed eerily alive – more alive than many other acquaintances I had also not seen in a year , but whose updates and fleshing details were a click away .


  17. With the 50th anniversary of March on Washington in a war on poverty fleshing its congregations ' mind , Ebenezer Senior Pastor Raphael Warnock used the pulpit to push for tighter gun control laws .


  18. That is , answer the range question based on what people already in that position make at the company - which you should know from your research - and answer the current-salary question by fleshing out your other benefits and the possibility of recently increased duties that have yet to be reflected in a raise .
