- 网络飞快地

Type Judgment fleetingly on the Complicated Fault from Bus Protection Information
He looked fleetingly like a small boy caught in wrongdoing .
But they 're only fleetingly addressed , without becoming a large conversation .
Like you might think fleetingly of someone and then have that person pop up in a dream .
I wondered fleetingly if Jill was as old as she said she was .
Even though our paths crossed fleetingly , she is one of the few patients I vividly remember from that time .
People in this age always lost themselves in endless desire of fortune , or the fleetingly pleasant sensation .
Others in medicine dread them as well , but there 's something particular about emergency medicine because we see patients so fleetingly .
And , despite all the horror and hopelessness , I was fleetingly happy .
Indeed , even major central banks with vastly more firepower have failed to sway the Forex tide except fleetingly .
Material goods - even simple ones like ice cream cones , and massages - are only stimuli , things that fleetingly give people a boost .
Greenlight refers fleetingly to being frustrated by the results and glancingly admits to mistakes .
The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively , if only fleetingly .
Happiness comes fleetingly now and then to those who have learned to do without it , and to them only . & don marquis .
One of Friedrich Hayek 's obvious-once-pointed-out observations is that society is full of local knowledge , often of a subtle nature and only fleetingly exploitable .
A beam of ivory-white light steels up fleetingly from the top of the castle . Like smoke , it spreads and merges into itself .
Nearly a third said that , for at least one image , they not only had an emotional reaction , but also fleetingly felt pain in the same site as the injury in the image .
His two main seduction scenes , first with a fleetingly featured Monica Bellucci , then with Seydoux , have a forced and jarring quality .
She was only their temporary custodian , she said , a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing , in soft focus , behind the hard stones .
Radio scripts and television pictures report facts immediately but only fleetingly , while printed texts and documents , though require a longer time to be produced , are permanently available and so permit reflection .
The tide was coming in too fast , the little waves were getting a bit higher-funny this shouldn 't be so I thought fleetingly as I got out of the water and headed for my freshwater shower .
Sri Aurobindo Ashram : Referenced in the novel as a place where Mamaji - Pi 's uncle - swam 30 lengths every morning , and appearing fleetingly in the film as a backdrop , there is no more important place in modern Pondicherry than the Sri Aurobindo Ashram .